Dynamic « JFrame « Java Swing Q&A

1. How to auto resize JFrame according to content    stackoverflow.com

I have created a custom JPanel that displays images (lets call it MyPanel), I have added this to JFrame's contentPane. I want JFrame to be resized automatically to fit the MyPanel when ...

2. Java Swing: Generating dynamic GUI forms from XML    stackoverflow.com

I am writing this application in Java, where I have a JTree on the left of the JFrame, and the item selected in the JTree determines what appears on the right. ...

3. Java/Swing (and GUI in general) - technique or patterns to build dynamic search form with criterias/filters    stackoverflow.com

I feel recurrent the need of building a search formula or filter panel using logic and expression. Here are some example expressions: search all item with price >= $100 and available in ...

4. Dynamic fields addition in java/swing form    stackoverflow.com

I'm pretty new to java, and using netbeans for design a UI. What I am trying to do is... in the form. there are a jComboBox and a JTextField, where user can input ...

5. Java: How to dynamically fit painted text into window    stackoverflow.com

im trying to paint a big "hello world" on my frame/component. But i want to dynamically fit it to the window size. So everytime i resize the window the text should perfectly ...

6. How to call JChart2D dynamic graph using another JFrame    stackoverflow.com

I'm Using JChart2d (http://jchart2d.sourceforge.net/index.shtml) for trace a values of a double array dynamically. when I code the configuration in the main method and run it it run perfectly. enter image ...</p></div></td></tr><tr><td><div class='articleProductElement'><h3 class='articleProductElementTitle'>7. <a href='http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6010464/dynamic-jframe-in-java'>Dynamic JFrame in java</a><span class='articleProductElementHost'>    stackoverflow.com</span></h3><p class='articleProductElementParagraph'>I have a project and I need to know how to adding a component in a JFrame when pressing a JButton.
I have added a panel into panel by this code:

<pre><code>private void ...</p></div></td></tr><tr><td><div class='articleProductElement'><h3 class='articleProductElementTitle'>8. <a href='http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7717066/how-to-change-jframe-size-dynamically'>How to Change JFrame Size dynamically</a><span class='articleProductElementHost'>    stackoverflow.com</span></h3><p class='articleProductElementParagraph'>I have a simple drawing program, I set my Jframe's size with the following code:

<pre><code>    frame.setSize(900, 700);

However, when user change the size of the window, white area to ...</p></div></td></tr><tr><td><div class='articleProductElement'><h3 class='articleProductElementTitle'>9. <a href='http://forums.netbeans.org/topic39497.html'>dynamically adding elements in a swing frame</a><span class='articleProductElementHost'>    forums.netbeans.org</span></h3><p class='articleProductElementParagraph'>Hi all, I am having a swing frame containing three textfields and a button , i want to add one more textfield to the visible frame when ever the button is clicked...the contents written on the previous textfields must not get erased... Need guidance how can i do this? I am using NB 6.9 with Win7. Thanks in advance... </p></div></td></tr><tr><td><br/><br/><style>.example_responsive_1 { width: 320px; height: 100px; }@media(min-width: 500px) { .example_responsive_1 { width: 468px; height: 60px; } }@media(min-width: 800px) { .example_responsive_1 { width: 468px; height: 60px; } }</style><script async src=

10. Dynamic Toolbar    coderanch.com

13. Problem with jframe, serial communication, dynamic changing value and displaying it    coderanch.com

Good morning for all. I am new on this forum, but earlier, im search here, and find, many answers for my problem. But today i have problem who boring me long time. I use a library to comunicate via serial. I use RXTX library. The library good work, in console app. I send a message via virtual serial port, and have ...

16. Dynamic Running of program inside a Running java JFrame    forums.oracle.com

What i am really trying to do is to run any java program in my interface... I can achieve it using Process p=Runtime.getRuntime().exec(....); I can even catch the stdin/stdout of my running program using OutputStream stdin = null; InputStream stderr = null; InputStream stdout = null; stdin = process.getOutputStream (); stderr = process.getErrorStream (); stdout = process.getInputStream (); But u see ...

17. Is dynamic JFrame resizing posible?    forums.oracle.com

hi, i'm from germany, so sorry for my bad english. i've made an jframe with several jlabels with images and so at size 300,456. the jframe is not resizable and undecorated, so i made an image at the top to be my pseudo header. the header size is about 30. what i want is following: if the user klicks on my ...