showOpenDialog « JFileChooser « Java Swing Q&A

1. How to use JFileChooser.showOpenDialog() in a non component class?

I have a Java GUI project containing a JMenuBar and I just added a JToolBar. In the previous version, the events were implemented in the same class that extends the JMenuBar. ...

2. JFileChooser.showOpenDialog not opening, and no error being thrown?

Okay, so I'm trying to make a hex editor, and I'm trying to make a load JMenuItem, but it's not working. The JFileChooser OpenDialog just doesn't show up, and no errors ...

3. Java - 1/10 times java crashes on JFileChooser.showOpenDialog. Is it a bug of Java?

Non-reproducable crash (no error/exception). Happens when I run a dialog to select a folder only 1 out of 10 times. Code:

public String getFilePathFromDialog(String dialogTitle) {
    JFileChooser fileChooser;

4. What is parent Component for in JFolderChooser.showOpenDialog

Case 1:

JFileChooser myFileChooser;
myFileChooser.showOpenDialog(this); //this = parent Component
Case 2:
JFileChooser myFileChooser;
What is the practical difference between the two cases?

5. jFileChooser.showOpenDialog() freezes the error / exception..tried several things

I am making a Summarizer project in NetBeans 6.9.1 in that I have a "Browse" button which should open a open dialog box on JFileChooser. I looked over here: ...