path « JFileChooser « Java Swing Q&A

1. Can't get the correct file path from JFileChooser

I've created a JFileChooser which I use to locate a directory for a file to be saved to.

String exportPath = saveChooser.getCurrentDirectory() + "\\exportedData.txt";
(I then use exportPath for my file writer) When I ...

2. How to get directory path using JFileChooser?

I have a small java GUI application with a text field on it. When the user clicks the text field an event is triggered and the JFileChooser is launched. ...

3. set directory to a path in a file

I just want to set the directory to a path I have written in a file before. Therefore I used :

fileChooser.setCurrentDirectory(new File("path.txt"));
and in path.txt the path is given. But unfortunately this does ...

4. Get the path of chosen file java

How to display a JFileChooser so I get the absolute path of a file, then assign the path to a string I was doing something like:

JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();

5. How to get proper path in Java using JFileChooser as per the Operating system

In my Java application I need to select a path using JFileChooser. The code that I have written is as follows:

jfChooser = new JFileChooser();


if (jfChooser.showOpenDialog(this) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { 
System.out.println("getCurrentDirectory(): "+ ...

6. jfilechooser - set directory to a path in a file

I am trying to set the directory path in JFilechooser through something like this(using commons-io ) :

String fileContents = IOUtils.toString(new FileInputStream("path.txt"));
File theDirectory = new File(fileContents);

filechooser = new JFileChooser();
I'm using getCanonicalPath() to ...

7. Change the directory of JFileChooser

I want to remember the directory what user entered first time and then set the default directory to previously chosen directory. I am trying to do this by storing a static ...

8. Setting a path in JFileChooser

9. To get full path with JFileChooser

11. How to validate JFileChooser path ??

12. How to retrieve a path from a filechooser?

Hey I am very very new to Java. I hope someone can help me with this - I want the user to select a directory using the filechooser. The problem is, I want the user selected directory's path. i want to be able to retrieve this path, so that i can feed it to my dropdown box whose options should be ...

13. Using a JFileChooser to get absolute path of a file

Hi Guys, I am developing a program for data analysis. I am using Netbeans to develop a simple Desktop Application. I want to be able to make a JButton which opens a JFileChooser. I then want to be able to use the absolute path of the chosen file in another method which reads the data file. So to clarify things I ...

14. How to set the path when i Browse Using JFileChooser?

I am making a program in I'm using Netbeans my Form contains TextField and Buttons. this Buttons is to browse Files and Directories for the help of JFileChooser. and the TextFields is to output the path of the files or the directories chosen. and i have in my mind that when I write the currentpath in the TextField for example "C:\" ...

15. Getting full file path for Jfilechooser

16. To display full path from JFileChooser