Save « JFileChooser « Java Swing Q&A

1. Implementation of file "save" like Notepad

I want to create a text editor (using java/swing) like notepad. For this I need the implementation of saving file. mean if the user clicks on "save" first time then the ...

2. save file with JFileChooser save dialog

i have written a java program that opens all kind of files with a jfileChooser then i want to save it in another directory with JFileChooser save dialog, but it only ...

3. Saving files with JFileChooser save dialog

I have a class that opens the files with this part:

JFileChooser chooser=new JFileChooser();
chooser.setCurrentDirectory(new File("."));
int r = chooser.showOpenDialog(ChatFrame.this);
if (r != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) return;
try {, Login.username,label_1.getText());
} catch (RemoteException e) {

4. JFileChooser - multiple file filters?

I have a question about the JFileChooser in Swing. I'm trying to get multiple file extensions in the drop-down box, but have no idea how to do it. There is the method

extFilter ...

5. How can I set the save path for new files in JFileChooser?

I have a dialog using JFileChooser. When I save a file by FileOutputStream, I want to save it as file.txt in the path which the user want. But it always saves ...

6. how to make JFileChooser see and choose sound files only and save them in some place?

im looking for a way to make a file chooser only see sound files and only choose them and when the user choose sound file the program go and save the file in ...

7. Saving a file using JFileChooser

I want to save a file to another directory which user selects from one directory. I know that JFileChooser can be use to select a file. But instead of using any ...

8. JfileChooser Save Dialog

heey iam stuck with a jfilechooser the save option i just want to save the stuff i have in my textarea in a .txt file or something please help me i can't get the save button to work

9. opening and saving using JFileChooser

you may want to use a BufferedReader, that way you get each line of the file as a string... something like this will work: try { File f = new File( "myFile.txt" ); if ( f.exists() ) { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( f ) ); String s = br.readLine(); //read the first line while ( s != null ...

10. saving a text file using JFileChooser

Hi, I am very new to GUI and I've been experimenting with JFileChooser lately. I can choose a text file using JFileChooser and display it in a JTextArea. The problem is I don't know how to the opposite. Probably by obtaining some text from a JTextArea, storing it as a String and then using JFileChooser to navigate through system files, type ...

11. disposing SAVE file dialog its urgent

hi problem in disposing the SAVE FileDialog i am popping up the SAVE file dialog if user opts for YES_OPTION of the Dialog box given below int rt=JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this,"Do you want to save changes in the file","Warning ",JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (rt==JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { fileDialog(); } if (rt==JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) { frames[f-1].setVisible(false); } the file dialog method contains the followin code void fileDialog() { FileDialog file = ...

12. Save Dialog using JFIleChooser.

Can anyone tell me why this will not save. I got the code from another post, seeing as how there isn't a savedialog in Jbuilder component. anyway, my thought on this is that it's not actually reading the data and saving it. But with java I'm not sure...don't know what is done automatically and what's not. here's the code: /save button ...

13. save with JFileChooser

When you use the save functionallity of JFileChooser, you typically have to write your own save mehtod. There is no way for JFileChooser to know how to save every type of file. So when you click the save button, you just have to call a method that saves your text. So when you create a File file = new File("mydoc.rtf") is ...

14. JFileChooser to save a file

15. JFileChooser to save file

16. Saving files in .txt format using JFileChooser.

public class TextFileFilter extends javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter { public boolean accept(File f) { return f.isDirectory() || f.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".txt"); } public String getDescription() { return "*.txt"; } } // The panel which has a "Save" button and the action Listener to handle it. JButton saveLabel = new JButton("Save Label"); fc = new JFileChooser(); fc.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES); filter = new TextFileFilter(); fc.setFileFilter(filter); public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { if(ev.getSource() ...

17. Correctly implementing save with JFileChooser

I'm currently using JFileChooser to save a file from my application, and would like to make sure the file name the user is giving does not already exist and does not contain any OS-disallowed filename characters. So far I have final JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser(); fileChooser.setFileFilter(new FileNameExtensionFilter(Messages.getString("StartScreen.browseSimulationFileNameExtensionFilterText") + " (*.ssim)", "ssim")); fileChooser.setSelectedFile(new File("Simulation.ssim")); final int returnValue = fileChooser.showSaveDialog(this); if (returnValue ...

18. Save file dialog?

19. save File with JFileChooser

Hi guys, I'm new here due to ... well, honestly, desperation lol I've search Google clean and still can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I've got a GUI that allows users to write text into the notes are and then a JMenu that allows the user to save what is in the notes text area (or am trying). I want ...

20. Saving to file from JFileChooser SaveDialog

I am having a problem with a program i have to do for a project in college. its a text editor and everything works except for the save ActionListener. when i compile it, it says cannot find symbol method getTxtArea_log(). the code is down below. can anyone help where i'm going wrong? Java Code: /** * @(#) * * @Kieran Moroney ...

21. Problem with saving from JFileChooser

22. [SOLVED] jfilechooser for saving a file....?

Hi Members, Im using jfilechooser to save a file, when i click a Save As button, a save as dialog pops up and if i give a file name that is already existing in my directory; it throws an error dialog, 'File already exists, do you want to replace it?' and if i click YES the file is replaced, but when ...

23. How to open a SAVE file dialog box without using SWING or AWT

Hi All, I am a new member of this forum and this is my first post. I want to use the "SAVE" file dialogue box (as it comes in windows asking where do you want to save a file) for saving a file. But I don't want to use AWT or SWING for this. Is there any option for this?

24. JFileChooser Save as Dialog

I use a JFileChooser to have the user determine where to save a file. My problem is that the "File Name:" text field gets filled with the file path. I would much rather this box be left blank, so the user doesn't have to delete the file path in order to type a name. Thanks

25. JFileChooser : save as default file

i have a JTable which must display file "x". I also have a JFilechooser. I want the user to pick a file through the JFileChooser ONE TIME and have that file become the default "x" file. This way when the app is closed, the computer will remember this file and upon startup will import file "x" every time. if the user ...

26. JFileChooser - File save as

thanks, for your reply. what about setting these extension in the File Type drop down menu. I checked those methods in the api. It has thimgs like File Only, DIrectory Only, File and Directory. I am not sure how these relate to the extension of the file, how can I add things like "jpg, png" to the drop down menu. Thanks ...