File Name « JFileChooser « Java Swing Q&A

1. JFileChooser.showSaveDialog(...) - how to set suggested file name

The bloated JFileChooser seems to be missing one feature: a way to suggest the file name when saving a file (the thing that usually gets selected so that it would get ...

2. How do I add a file browser inside my Java application?

I am new to Java progamming and am building a application that will add, display and remove files from a given folder location. I have added files using JFileChooser and know how ...

4. JFileChooser browsing a remote file system

I am trying to Implement a JFileChooser that allows a user to select files on a remote system via ftp. Everything I've read says this can be accomplished by extending FileSystemView so ...

5. Importing a file using the Java FileChooser

Hi I'm having trouble using the Java JFileChooser and was wondering if anyone could help me out. It's probably something really simple but I just cant spot whats wrong. The JFileChooser ...

6. JFileChooser.showSaveDialog(…) - preserve suggested file name after changing directory

There are already some questions about how to set a default file name for a JFileChooser control. I'm having a few problems with preserving that default filename when switching directories. Right now, ...

7. loading a file and getting its contents crashes on me

private class Lytterklasse implements ActionListener{
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
    FileNameExtensionFilter filter = new FileNameExtensionFilter(

8. java file picker with inline thumbnails

I need a nautilus-style file picker in java, where the files are shown "gallery-style" with a customisable thumbnail for each file. Is it possible to make the standard open file dialog ...

9. How to disable file input field in JFileChooser?

I want user to select files from existing files only and don't want to let him type the file name.
So how can we disable the file input field in JFileChooser?
Thank you. ...

10. Why won't this importing of a file work?

I'm not sure why this code won't allow me to choose a file and then scan it. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

private String[][] importMaze(){

11. Creating a file from a jFileChooser component

I am using jFileChooser as part of an export feature. I would like for the user to be able to either select a file from jFileChooser's file viewer or enter ...

12. Writing 'getSelectedFile' as a String (Java)

    open.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e){
            JFileChooser fileChooser ...

13. Where do the values for JFileChooser.getTypeDescription(File f) come from

Says it all in the title really. I have :

JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();

try {
    File tmp = File.createTempFile("tmp", "." + extension);

14. Does Swing support Windows 7-style file choosers?

I just added a standard "Open file" dialog to a small desktop app I'm writing, based on the JFileChooser entry of the Swing Tutorial. It's generating a window that ...

15. How to get the file chosen by the user in another class?

I have a JPanel. The user must select an image file to be sent. I have another class that converts that image into array so it can be sent, then the ...

16. Nothing gets saved in the file

This is the snippet that saves the data entered by the user into the file. This works fine.i.e it creates the file at the wanted location but the problem is that ...

17. How to make Java JFileChooser display all files including ones starting with a dot

By default JFileChooser does not display files with names starting with at dot. How to make it display all files? Here is what I have tried (did not help):


18. Get how many files a user choose using JFileChooser

In my program I am using a JFileChooser. The user can select multiple files using the JFileChooser. If the user selects only one file, only a File object is returned, and ...

19. JFileChooser choose empty file

I'm using a JFileChooser as the editor for a JTable cell. I'd like the user to select a valid file using JFileChooser, then when they hit enter, the file path is ...

20. MySQL: extract mp3 tags from mp3 file and isert them in MySQL DB

I'm about to write a java program to manage my music collection. I would like to extract the ID3 tags from all my mp3 files and put them in a database. How can ...

21. Please explain the following code

public void open()
    int returnVal = jfilechooser.showOpenDialog(jf); //jf is JFrame's reference
    if(returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)

22. Disable rename of a file in JFileChooser?

When you click twice (not double click) on a file in JFileChooser, you can rename the selected file. How to disable this feature? I've tried with

UIManager.put("FileChooser.readOnly", Boolean.TRUE);
but it doesn't work. ...

23. Java - JFileChooser & file size

I am trying to get the size of a file from JFileChooser so that I can print it in table, how do I do that?

JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();

String[] fileNames = ...

24. Java - Remove component (Files of Type) from JFileChooser

How can I remove component (Files of Type) from JFileChooser; both label and its combobox? I have the following code:

JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
fileChooser.setDialogTitle("Select Folder");
fileChooser.setApproveButtonText("Select Folder");


private void hideComponents(Component[] components) {

for (int i= ...

26. Setting file name for JFileChooser SAVE dialog

Hi-- I am wondering how to do the following: when a user clicks on a save menu item, a save JFileChooser pops up. I would like to have a default file name set in the FileName box on the chooser, similar to what applications like Microsft word has. Right now, no file name will appear until the user has selected a ...

28. help JFileChooser--about overwrite file

public void approveSelection() { File f = getSelectedFile(); if ( f.exists() ) { String msg = "The file \"{0}\" already exists!\nDo you want to replace it?"; msg = MessageFormat.format( msg, new Object[] { f.getName() } ); String title = getDialogTitle(); int option = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( this, msg, title, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE ); if ( option == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION ) { return; } // end ...

29. JFileChooser not saving input file name

30. Only accept a file type in JFileChooser ?

make ur own class extenidng javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter like import; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Enumeration; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.filechooser.*; /** * A convenience implementation of FileFilter that filters out * all files except for those type extensions that it knows about. * * Extensions are of the type ".foo", which is typically found on * Windows and Unix boxes, but not on Macinthosh. ...

31. JFileChooser (choose Files Only)

Hi List, I want my File chooser not to dispose when i choose a directory.I thought that jImageFileChooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY); will work for me, but it isnt. heres a part of my code private String browseImageFile() { if(imageFilePath == null) jImageFileChooser = new JFileChooser(); else { jImageFileChooser = new JFileChooser(imageFilePath); } jImageFileChooser.setAccessory(new ImagePreview(jImageFileChooser)); jImageFileChooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY); Vector ext = new Vector(); ext.add("gif"); ext.add("jpg"); Filter filter ...

32. Network file in JFiLechooser

This won't help you get the Network Neighborhood in there, but you can map a network drive to a drive letter then it will show up in the FileChooser. You can also use the subst command from a DOS prompt to create a virtual drive. Both of these methods will allow you to accessa network file from a Java FileChooser. Brian ...

35. JFileChooser : User selected directory & programmatically created file name : How?

I am trying to let the user select the directory they want to save a plain text file in and have the program determine the name of the file. The attempt I have made isn't working and the more I read the API, the more confused I am getting... can anyone help me? public void export() { File plainTextFile = null; ...

36. propose filename in dialog

The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way. - ...

37. Can JFileChooser disable the File Name field

All, I have a feeling I'm missing something very obvious, but I have a scenario where I want the user to select an existing file to open - however, I do NOT want them to type in an arbitrary and possibly non-existent filename in the File Name field... I only want them to be able to select an existing file. Is ...

38. Putting a Default Name to file Using JFileChooser

Hi, I am using JFileChooser for saving the contents to a file. Here my problem is to give some name by default to a file. So the user need not give any problem. He has to just click save. The file name is combination of some id date and time. Can somebody guide me in proceeding for the same if it ...

39. Need "file displaying UI" like JFileChooser's. How to get it?

import*; import javax.swing.filechooser.*; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { FileSystemView view = FileSystemView.getFileSystemView(); File dir = new File(args[0]); File[] files = view.getFiles(dir, true); for (File file: files) { String name = view.getSystemDisplayName(file); String type = view.getSystemTypeDescription(file); System.out.printf("%s: %s, %s%n", file, name, type); } } }

40. upon close how: saved in a file(JFileChooser) since last modified

private JTextArea message = new JTextArea(40, 72); ................................................................................................ exitJButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() // anonymous inner class { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { try { dataSaved = true; if (DocumentEvent.ElementChange.getChange(message)==null) { x=JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(SMTPClient.this,"Are you sure Exit without Save Data?", "Are you sure", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); } if (x<0) { System.exit(1); } } catch (IOException ex) { } } } );

43. Removing the file setSelectedFile from filechooser

Hi, In my application, for one of the file save options I want to give a suggested file save name, which I am doing using a filechooser.setSelectedFile method. However I have another save functionality in the same application for which I don't want to pass a suggested default name. To remove the default file I am using the following line, fileChooser.setSelectedFile(new ...

44. Using JFileChooser instead of serialization hard coded files

Using book Head First Java pg 464 Hello all, I am attempting to use a JFileChooser to save my beatbox data which originally was using a serializable method. I am having trouble grasping how to get a serializable object such as a Boolean that is originally coded to go directly to a hard coded file and turn into something that JFileChooser ...

45. FileChooser checking for an existing file

JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(); int returnVal = fc.showSaveDialog(frame); if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION){ File file = fc.getSelectedFile(); if (file.exists()) { int n = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(frame, "The given file does already exists \n Would you like to replace it?", "File found error", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); } if (n==JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { String fileName = file.getName(); // Save the file } else if n==JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) { // Do nothing ...

46. JFileChooser - sequential files treatment

Hi, I want to write an application where: 1. In JFileChooser - select multiple files 2. After clicking "Approve" button proper dialog window appears. 3. In dialog I enter parameters for first selected file and click OK. 4. File is processed in a background (it is transformed. 4. Window from point 3 appears again and actions 3 and 4 are repeated ...

47. [JFileChooser] File name to list

Hi, I don't know if it's possible but I'ld like to set last opened files in a ComboBox instead of the JTextField for the File name. So my problem is to find out how to set the Combobox at the place of the file name TextField. Like in notepad. (Saving and getting last used files is not a problem) I searched ...

48. JFileChooser filename autocompletion

Hello together, I'm searching for a posibility to complete the filename in a JFileChooser automatically. Example: The FileChooser opens a directory with different files, like: Test1.txt test.csv test345.txt ... If I type e.g. "T" || "t", then the text of the filename-field should be completet to "Test1.txt" || "Test345.txt". If someone know a way to activate this function in the JFileChooser, ...

49. Hi can I create a file using JFileChooser?

50. Strange JFILECHOOSER behavior on Macs with ZIP files

I have a multiplatform GUI app that is running on Macs, linux and Windows computers. I distribute a data file that is a zipped up txt file. In windows the jfilechooser has no problem selecting the zip file. However, on macs I can't select the file. The dialog box greys out the open option and displays the zip file as a ...

52. Jfilechooser removing all file types

53. setting the file in JFileChooser

54. File not found with jfilechooser

55. Implementing a remote file system to use with JFileChooser

Hi all What I want to do is create a virtual file system so that I can browse through it with JFileChooser, select a file, and then take the correct action. If anyone has something like this that they can post it'd be much appreciated. Otherwise, does anyone have any advice about creating a navigation tool for traversing a vertual file ...

56. prompt when overwriting a file JFilechooser

This might help you ......I think you may do this in this way......1) Open the JFChooser 2) click on the Save the button [ here the dialog will be closed and pops up the msg File is exists ] 3) Now, when you click on the file exist popup msg ok button can open the JFChooser again with the same ...

57. JFileChooser Listing Acceptable File Types

58. JFileChooser file name extention queistion