Directory « JFileChooser « Java Swing Q&A

1. How do I restrict JFileChooser to a directory?

I want to limit my users to a directory and its sub directories but the "Parent Directory" button allows them to browse to an arbitraty directory. How should I go about doing ...

2. How can I make a JFileChooser on the Mac that lets users create directories?

I have an installer program that lets the user choose a directory in which to install. The JFileChooser implementation on MacOS uses a native dialog (or at least it looks native). ...

3. JFileChooser for directories on the Mac: how to make it not suck?

The JFileChooser in "directories only" mode on the Mac has two serious, crippling problems: 1) You cannot create directories with it 2) You cannot switch drives This is rather a huge problem for my ...

4. Initializing JFileChooser with a non-existing directory

In our installation program I want to enable users to use install directory which, obviously, does not exist yet. I want that when the Browse button is pressed, a JFileChooser dialog ...

5. java JFIlechooser + Resource Directory

Can i redirect the JFileChooser's path to My resource directory in my application ? Thanks in advance Hanks

6. java JFIlechooser + Resource Directory

can i disable the look in combo of a jfilechooser, Or lock look in combo of a jfilechooser Thanks in advance Hanks

7. Double-click not consistent when navigating directories in JFileChooser

I have just started using JFileChooser and it seems to do mostly what I want, but when I am navigating through a tree of directories, double-clicking on directory links doesn't work ...

8. How to forbid directory name editing in JFileChooser?

To browse directories in JFileChooser, users use double-click. The problem is, if they click not fast enough, file chooser thinks they want to edit directory name, and it is very annoying. ...

9. JFileChooser bug with DIRECTORIES_ONLY option

Hi, I'm not sure if this mailing list is a proper medium for my question, but, maybe. Is it possible, that there is a bug in using two (or more) JFileChoosers with DIRECTORIES_ONLY option in one JPanel? I'm trying to write new feature for my NB plugin and I need 2 JFileChoosers with DIRECTORIES_ONLY option in "Options" panel. But if I ...

10. Re: JFileChooser bug with DIRECTORIES_ONLY option

Before posting you should try to reproduce the bug in a plain Java app not using NB APIs. If you can, file on If not, it is possible (not yet assured) that the problem is in whatever NB components you are using.

12. Up directory button not working consistently in JFileChooser

I have two little nuisance bugs. #1. The up-directory button is not working consistently. In the attachment you can see the JFileChooser that I created with the following code:

13. JFileChooser list of roots/directories

14. JFileChooser Empty Directory Choosing

When using a JFileChooser in Directories only mode: I have an application which requires the user to be able to choose a directory in which to store information. If a user drills down into an EMPTY directory (i.e. no children folders) and presses 'Choose Directory' or whatever the apply button is called... I'd like this to fire an event with the ...


What I want to do: have the user choose a Directory to which I am going to write a file(pre-named). This is how I am currently doing it: JFileChooser jfc = new JFileChooser("C:\\"); jfc.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); int returnVal = jfc.showDialog(this,"Select Target Directory"); System.out.println("button clicked"); if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { File file = jfc.getSelectedFile(); String sfilename = file.getPath(); System.out.println("path chosen was: " + sfilename); ...

16. JFileChooser cannot choose a root directory

I want to present a dialog for a user to choose a directory. One of the most likely directories to want to choose is the root of one drive or another (on Windows); for instance, a user might want to choose the directory "D:\" as their selection. Although JFileChooser knows about the list of drives and presents its little pull-down list ...

17. create Directory using JFileChooser

dear friend i have used the method setFileSelectionMode(DIRECTORIES_ONLY) to display the directories only. i have tried using the save dialog and the custom dialog such that what ever name user types in the textfield labeled "file name" in the JFileChooser Dialog box and clicks on the save button the code included in the APPROVE_OPTION should be executed but the program is ...

18. creating directory using JFileChooser

20. default directory using FileChooser

22. Starting a JFileChooser in the program directory

I want the JFileChooser to open wherever the jar file for the program is located. I feel like I remember this being really easy on a PC, but I can't get it to work on Mac. The irritating thing is that I can get it so that the selected file is right where I want it, but the thing itself opens ...

24. How to scan a list of files in current directory using JFileChooser ??

I need to parse the files in the current directory into a menu that displays either txt or java source files to be displayed in a text area. I'm getting several these errors: jess@linux:~/java$ javac cannot find symbol symbol : method getCurrentDirectory() location: class ScrollText JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(getCurrentDirectory()); ^ 1 error jess@linux:~/java$ javac non-static method ...

25. JFileChooser showing files and directory

The following code is used to browse for files in my program: public class BrowseButtonListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ fc = new JFileChooser(); //fc.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES); //fc.setFileFilter(new ExtensionFileFilter()); int returnVal = fc.showOpenDialog(frame); if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { if (e.getSource() == browse2) answerfile.setText(fc.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath()); if (e.getSource() == browse1) questionfile.setText(fc.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath()); } } } Then I wanted to limit whatever comes up to directories ...

26. JFileChooser start in .jar directory

27. How to grab directory from a JFileChooser?

28. What string format for a directory does the JFileChooser expect?

JFileChooser fc; if (e.getSource().equals(btnOpenDispatchFile)) { if (sLastDirOpened.length() > 2) { fc = new JFileChooser(sLastDirOpened); } else { //fc = new JFileChooser("//SorterSimulator/Data/"); <- First attempt; it runs, but still opens in "My Documents" fc = new JFileChooser("\\SorterSimulator\Data\"); <- Second attempt - "invalid escape sequence" fc = new JFileChooser("\\\SorterSimulator\\Data\\"); <- Third attempt - "" fc = new JFileChooser(); }

29. JFileChooser & current directory problem

32. JFileChooser restrict to current directory

I am trying to make a JFileChooser that only allows selecting files from the current directory. I'm not sure if the easiest way would be to hide the drop down box or restrict it some other way. Can someone show me the easiest way to do this. I have googled it and searched these forums. Thanks Mike

33. Retaining last directory with JFileChooser

34. JFileChooser with directory

35. JFileChooser and directories

I want to be able to open all the files in a directory and if there are any directories inside that, to open all the files in it, and so on and so on. The way I was thinking while opening the files, check if the current File is a file or directory and if it is a directory to recursively ...