Applet « JFileChooser « Java Swing Q&A

1. JFileChooser use within JApplet

Can a JApplet use a JFileChooser so that the user can select a file on his hard-drive? Or would this violate Java applet security? (I'm assuming that the default ...

2. Cannot Access Applet Containing JFileChooser From JSP

I have written the following simple Applet that presents a File Uploader:

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class FileChooserDemo extends Applet implements ActionListener {
static private final String newline = "\n";
JButton openButton;
JTextArea ...

3. Applet with JFilechooser called from a Javascript blocks paint messages to Browser

Hi, I am trying to create an applet that can: 1) be called from a Javascript 2) displays a file selection dialog for multi-selecting files 3) returns the selected filenames in a string to the JavaScript I am able to use doPrivileged to apply the necessary security context to launch a JFilechooser and return the filenames selected. However, When the JFilechooser ...

4. JAVA Swing(JfileChooser about showSaveDialog box) and AWT,APPLET,JFC

Respected sir/mam, Please give the code for geting the audio input and save it in either server or in local harddisk . for this a recorder is required.code for this recorder is also needed(which contains save button under this three optionals are used ie server,local,cancel and other buttons required are play,stop,forward,rewind,pause).JavaSound is already available but i don't want this code. Thanking ...

5. Applet with JFilechooser called from a Javascript blocks paint messages to Browser

Hi, I am trying to create an applet that can: 1) be called from a Javascript 2) displays a file selection dialog for multi-selecting files 3) returns the selected filenames in a string to the JavaScript I am able to use doPrivileged to apply the necessary security context to launch a JFilechooser and return the filenames selected. However, When the JFilechooser ...