Text « JEditorPane « Java Swing Q&A

1. Java Swing custom text JEditorPane    stackoverflow.com

I have a list of Objects (the model) that are constantly appended to (similar to a log file) and I'd like to display as rich text in a JEditorPane (the view). ...

2. Creating a left-hand margin for a JEditorPane text box    stackoverflow.com

Edit - in short, what I'm looking for is a reliable way to add a left margin to a JEditorPane (read on for the issues I'm having if you'd like).

I am ...

3. Getting the visible text in a JEditorPane    stackoverflow.com

I have a JeditorPane in a JScrollPane. At certain points in the application, I would like to retrieve the text that is visible in the scrollPane (the text that ...

4. How to implement in JEditorPane on text changed    stackoverflow.com

How to implement in JEditorPane on text changed method ( get text on every character added or deleted ) ?

5. java: get plain text with newline symbol from jEditorPane    stackoverflow.com

I have a jEditorPane that is HTML based. i found out that you can use:

String text = jEditorPane1.getDocument().getText(0, jEditorPane1.getDocument().getLength());
text = text.replaceAll("(?<!^)\n", "\n<br />");
jEditorPane1.setText("<html>" + text + "</html>");
by this way i got the ...

7. JeditorPane Text    coderanch.com

8. Getting text from inside a jeditorpane inside a jtabbedpane    java-forums.org

public void addTab() { currentFile = "The File"; //create new editor pane DefaultSyntaxKit.initKit(); //I'm using a custom kit JEditorPane editPane = new JEditorPane(); JScrollPane editScroll = new JScrollPane(editPane); editPane.setContentType("text/java"); editPane.setText(""); editScroll.setViewportView(editPane); editPane.setName("the editor"); editScroll.setName("the scroll"); try { FileReader input = new FileReader(new File("The directory" + currentFile)); myTabbedPane.addTab(currentFile, editScroll); editPane.read(input, null); input.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }

9. Can't display Persian text in JEditorPane    forums.oracle.com

10. JEditorPane - text/html - focus    forums.oracle.com