Refresh « JComboBox « Java Swing Q&A

1. Refreshing contents of a ComboBox while it is still visible

I have implemented a ComboBoxModel that is populated based on data from a database: public abstract class DatabaseComboBoxModel extends AbstractListModel implements ComboBoxModel { public static final String CHOOSE_ONE = "(Choose one)"; private SQLUtil sqlUtil; private List list = new ArrayList(); private int selectedIndex = -1; /** * Creates a new instance of DatabaseComboBoxModel. */ public DatabaseComboBoxModel(SQLUtil sqlUtil) throws SQLException { this.sqlUtil ...

2. Refresh JComboBox

The code below is used to display the names of XSMeter in a combobox from the back-end. private void delFiles() { lblDeleteName = new JLabel("Name: "); Vector v = new Vector(); jcbDeleteName = new JComboBox(v); jcbDeleteName.setMaximumRowCount(5); try { Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery("select distinct " + "FileName from XSMeter where FileName is not null"); while( { jcbDeleteName.addItem(rs.getString("FileName")); } ...

3. JComboBox Refresh..

Hey guys I have a problem with jcombobox I have 2 objects client and property the client object add a client in the system and the new client is allocated an id the property object add a property in the system but it is strickly connected with the client because the client own the property. Now when the user adds a ...

4. Refresh JComboBox

5. JComboBox refreshing issues