Mouse « JComboBox « Java Swing Q&A

1. Java Swing: Mouseover text on JComboBox items?

In Swing, is there a way to define mouseover text (or tool tip text) for each item in a JComboBox?

2. JComboBox focus and mouse click events not working

Downvoter, how is this a bad question? I have provided runnable example code of the issue. If it works for you please let me know or point out what is unclear. Hello,

3. JComboBox, what listener when I need to catch a mouse click after a state (has not to be new) is selected?

Can't use an ItemListener because my JComboBox items are generated dinamically so that would generate exceptions when the list is empty. I need to catch basically the state after a mouse click ...

4. Do MouseEvents work on JComboBox

5. Mouse Listener on JComboBox

Hi, I need to implement a mouse listener on the JList part of JCombo box. As i have read, Swing's implementation of a ComboBox --is a combination of a text field and drop-down list . So when i do Component[] comps = c.getComponents(); for(int i = 0; i < comps.length; i++) { comps[i].addMouseListener(this); } The mouse listents to mouse events on ...

7. JComboBox switch statement MouseEvent problem

While I went through a tutorial and matched up the syntax to the best of my understanding I am getting errors from NetBeans. 1) 'switch (s) {' incompatible type, requires int... is it looking for number of how many cases it contains? 2) 'case 'none':' unclosed character literal, not a statement (all the cases contain this same error) 3) 'addText(msg);' dont ...

8. Custom JComboBox -- MouseListener

Hi. I'm in the process of making a custom JComboBox (called TitledComboBox). It's going to use a ComboBox as the component that is always visible, but when you click it instead of the standard dropdown, I'm creating a JPopupMenu to replace that. That way I want to avoid the first element (or the selected one) being repeated inside the list. So ...