1. Can I modify JComboBox popup background color of an existing object? stackoverflow.comI have an existing JComboBox object. I can modify many of its properties using the internal methods. However, I could not find similar methods to customize the popup's appearance - specifically, ... |
2. Background color of the selected item in an uneditable JComboBox stackoverflow.comThe background color of the selected item in an uneditable JComboBox is a sort of blue:
3. Customized JCombobox default selection background color is not visible stackoverflow.comI have created customized combobox which extends JCombobox. It is having checkboxes in popup list. When I try to select/check checkbox inside popup there is not selection color. I tried to set ... |
4. Editable JComboBox Background color stackoverflow.comI have a editable combobox, but I am not able to change its background color. Tried
ref: Change JComboBox colours WITHOUT rendererBut it doesn't seem to work Any ... |
5. JComboBox on Background Image coderanch.com |
6. how to set the "background selection color" of a Combobox coderanch.comHi, the default lavender color bites with windows desktop colors. But how to set this color? I mean the highlighting color when you scroll through the combobox. Am hovering over the colors of good-looking eclipse guis with a colorpicker and use those colors in my gui. It seems to work. regards Axel [ July 15, 2003: Message edited by: Axel Janssen ... |
7. Image background for a JComboBox coderanch.com |
8. Non Editable JComboBox background color coderanch.comimport javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; class Testing extends JFrame { JComboBox cbo = new JComboBox(new String[]{"London","Madrid","New York","Rome","Sydney","Washington"}); public Testing() { setSize(150,75); setLocation(400,300); setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); cbo.setBackground(Color.RED); cbo.setRenderer(new MyRenderer()); JPanel jp = new JPanel(); jp.add(cbo); getContentPane().add(jp); } public static void main(String args[]){new Testing().setVisible(true);} } class MyRenderer extends DefaultListCellRenderer { public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList list,Object value, int index,boolean isSelected,boolean cellHasFocus) { JLabel lbl = (JLabel)super.getListCellRendererComponent(list,value,index,isSelected,cellHasFocus); lbl.setText((String)value); lbl.setOpaque(false); ... |
9. The color of arrow button in JCombobox is getting changed when chaging its background coderanch.comHi, There is a JCombobox in my application, it is a swing application. When I am changing the background color of the combobox, it is working fine, it is changing only its background color without changing the color of arrow button in Combobox. I want to run my swing application in XP without the look and feel of XP, and I ... |
10. Problem with JComboBox background colour when using customer renderer coderanch.comHi all, I've got a small problem in my GUI, which I cant seem to fix. Below is a screenshot of my GUI and I wanted all the box background colours to be pale pink, and all the ComboBoxes to look like the Pattern Supplied combo box (Pink unselected and white list items. The problem I have is that the Customer ... |
11. JComboBox Background forums.oracle.com |