Array « JComboBox « Java Swing Q&A

1. array in joption pane dropdown - Java?

Hi I am trying to access an array and show it in a dropdown list using joptionpane. I have it sort of working using:

for (int i = 0; i < data.length; ...

2. List array in JComboBox

I have a JComboBox already created but I would like to update the information with data from a List Array. I currently have the code:

java.util.List<String> listNames = empPort.getEmployeeInfo("username");
int itemSize = listNames.size();
the empPort ...

3. Java can't find symbol, Java can't find my symbol in an array?

This is the error i get when i write this line of code.

symbol  : variable isSeletecd
location: class java.lang.String
if (dorm[0].isSeletecd && meal[0].isSeletecd())

4. JComboBox not letting me initiate it with an array

import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class PlannerMain {
JFrame frame;
JButton makeMap;
JPanel panel;
JLabel outcome;
JComboBox listOfWindTurbines;
int[] windTurbineSpace = new int[10];
JTextField lengthOfRoom, widthOfRoom, widthObjectNeeds, lengthObjectNeeds;
int lengthOfRoomInt, widthOfRoomInt, widthObjectNeedsInt, lengthObjectNeedsInt, largerObjectMeasurement, numberOfItems, numberOfItemsShort;
public static void main(String[] args){
PlannerMain p ...

5. JComboBox Array

Your question is a bit vague. Do you want to store all items in a combo box into a String array ? OR There can only be one selected item. Do you want to store a succession of these selected items in an array ? OR You have an array of combo box objects and you want to find the selected ...

7. String array from file to ComboBox

Hi. I have a file: myFile.txt In that file is in every line: name + '\t' + numberOfYears. I want to get String array of names and put that names to be ComboBox items. I'm thinking like that: 1. make class ReadFromFile 2. in that class write a function getNames which opens a file, read line by line and get from ...

8. Array of JComboBox

your statement would work fine but you would get an exception if you tried to stick 20 things inside an array only meant for 19 things. You might be thinking about indexing because an array with 20 objects has 0-19 indexes so in the array declaration change the 19 to a 20.