state « JCheckBox « Java Swing Q&A

1. Can i use JCheckbox to show "mixed state"

In windows it is possible to show a grayed out JCheckbox, to show that the collection of data which it represents not all items have the same value. Is this even possible ...

2. Delaying the state change of JCheckbox

I'd like to make a Swing JCheckBox behave like this:

  • When the user clicks it, a message is sent to the server, with the opposite of the checkbox' current checked state (!checked). ...

3. can the state of a checkbox be saved

5. checkbox state in another panel

6. Changing the selected state of a checkbox

Hi All, Normally when we click on the checkBox, a "Tick" mark is displayed inside the box. I have a specific requirement that when we click on the checkbox, a "CrossMark (X)" should be displayed. Is it possible? If so could anyone give me an immediate solution, it will be of great help. Thank u Raji

7. CheckBox state

i am new to swings. i have one doubt we have one dialog box, in that dialog, there is one Check Box, Ok and Cancel buttons. suppose user selected checkbox and click ok button, when user opens again that dialog box, the check box should be as selected. can anyone give idea, how to implment this. i know we can do ...

8. Dont want a CheckBox and a radio button selected state to be reset when Restart the application

Hello, in my swing application I have a Reference panel in my menu bar that allow the user to check some checkBoxes and some radio box based on his need. However, those check boxes and radio boxes are reset to their default when I restart the application. What should I do to have the state of the check boxes remain the ...

9. How to persist state of JCheckBox component (Swing)?

This was helpful, although it was still a major pain trying to catch when my FrameView was exiting so I could perform the save operations. Since the Swing Application Framework already saves state for the Windows and Tabbed Panes, I thought there might be a simpler way to 'tag along' and save the check box state.