Disable « JCheckBox « Java Swing Q&A

1. Java Swing - Problem in disabling JCheckbox    stackoverflow.com

I am disabling a JCheckbox and then enabling it with the help of setEnabled(...) method. But the problem is if I disable a unselected checkbox, then it becomes selected after I enable ...

2. How can I replicate disabled appearance for a JCheckBox?    stackoverflow.com

Take the following example code. There is some bug in Swing which doesn't render disabled components as disabled if the component contains HTML. Aside from reporting the issue, which ...

3. How to disable Checkbox?    stackoverflow.com

On Java, is there any way to disable a checkbox (call it B), if checkbox A is checked. When I say disable, the user can't check it off..Its setEditable(false) or something. ...

4. JMessageBox with Checkbox disabling.    coderanch.com

Hi, I am developing an application in Java Swing which requires some user training. I need messageboxes in Swing that can be disabled once a user selects the check box associated with them. The usual " Dont Display this message again" stuff that you get on windows and other softwares. Does Swing provide any messagebox with this feature or any API ...

5. enalbe, disable checkboxes    coderanch.com

JCheckBox cb = new JCheckBox("one"); cb.setActionCommand("number one"); ... public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { // get a reference to the JCheckBox that sent the event, // this cast is okay if JCheckBox is the only type of // Component registered with this ItemListener JCheckBox checkBox = (JCheckBox)e.getSource(); String ac = checkBox.getActionCommand(); if(ac.equals("number one")) { someComponent.setEnabled(checkBox.isSelected()); anotherComponent.setEnabled(!anotherComponent.isEnabled()); }

6. How check box can disabled    java-forums.org

7. Disable jCheckBox From User    forums.oracle.com

Hey everybody, Is there a way to stop the user from being able to check a jCheckBox? I still want to be able to control it programatically, but I don't want the user to be able to change its state once I have set it from within the code. Thanks, Chris C.