Windows 2 « Interoperability « Java Swing Q&A

1. Shaped Windows

I am working on making my GUI window a triangle shape, instead of square. I have managed to do this but not too happy with it at the moment (using transparancy). What i really want to do is get hold of the code for suns JFrame class, so i can make direct changes to this. Is there anyway i can get ...

2. Help with windows in java

3. Problem in knowing the status of windows

4. setWindowOpaque causes problems at windows login.

Hi all, Ii have an issue with setWindowOpaque(frame, false)l I have a JFrame which is something like a Toolbar with shortcuts on it that when clicked will execute an application in a Process. The Toolbar by requirement needs to have rounded corners so we set the JFrame to opaque = false then add a background image so that we have perfectly ...

5. How to bring all windows to the front in order together?

I have an application (let's call it "MyApp") who's main window contains a JFrame. Under certain User Input (e.g. a menu selection), a JDialog is popped up with modality type set to APPLICATION_MODAL. When the user clicks on another application (e.g. on the taskbar in Windows) to bring it to the front, it hides MyApp, as you would expect. The problem ...

6. windows CE+ Swing + jexcel api

10. GUI frustrations - using Eclipse and now Windows Builder

Ok, so I have read a book on Java programming and gone through many tutorials on the language through websites and youtube. Now I just want to make a simple game to get started, no serious graphics or anything. I have been at it for days and am about to give up on Java. The GUI is impossible to program. Examples ...

11. JFileChoser +windows look and feel?

Hi I have set UIManager.setLookandFeel to windows look and feel . The fc.showFileDialog() [fc is an object of JFileChoser] method opens an Open File Dialog box with windows look and feel but when i select a file and do right click I get only "View","Refresh " options (not like in Windows which shows "Open" ,"Cut","Copy","Properties" etc etc). How do I achieve ...

12. Linking GUI windows

13. Best way to communicate between Jave Windows Service and GUI?

Greetings, I have an existing java app that I would like to split. I would like the model to run as a service that starts with M$ Windows (it needs to run 7x24). And have the GUI view to act as an 'administration' tool that can used to control various aspects of the service (not simply start/stop). The GUI does not ...

14. Swing problems in windows

I've been programming in linux and when I try to run some of my code on windows I see a fair amount of graphical clitches that I don't see in linux. For starters I have a button in a JPanel that when clicked out creates a pop-up. I run my pop-up window in another class and it is simply a JFrame ...

15. Integrate MS WinXP Windows into Java GUI

16. Snapping Floating Windows GUI

If you've used Winamp before, you've noticed how it's comprised of a few independent frames or "windows" that snap together to align with each other and the sides of the screen. The program I'm developing hopes to use a similar GUI. Firstly, how can you make multiple windows that can talk to each other? Is this as simple as using many ...

17. Embed Java GUIs into Native Windows

Example: Recently, ive been working with this for writing VSTs (sound modules) in Java. You can use your VST and its GUI in ANY audio program. Id like to know how the author managed to allow Java GUIs to be loaded as plugins in native programs (the sourceforge project hasnt posted its source code). I know JNI has an AWT interface ...