Excel « Interoperability « Java Swing Q&A

1. How to view data from excel in flex app?    stackoverflow.com

I have a flex-application deployed on tomcat with blazeds. User constantly selects ranges excel-document. Now, a user enters a cell addresses in text fields (for example, C1: C20). But it is ...

2. Java: Apache POI Excel Spreadsheet GUI View    stackoverflow.com

My java application is using Apache POI to read/write Excel files. As far as I can see, Apache POI includes no support for an spread sheet view GUI. So my question ...

3. How to link an excel file with the application software using Java swing    stackoverflow.com

I have to link an excel file with a application software which I am developing.The excel file will contain questionnaire for conducting surveys.I have this code which is only able to ...

4. Importing excel (.xls) in Java Swing    stackoverflow.com

Anybody know how to import excel file in Java Swing? I am new to Swing concepts.

5. export text or excel files    coderanch.com

6. Excel with Java    coderanch.com

7. Microsoft Excel integration.    coderanch.com

9. Export to excel    coderanch.com

I am new to Java, so my solution might not be very sofisticated. But it works. //Here is the code I used: //This is an HTML or JSP page, that is used to pass the query to a seocnd page: Pass SQL Query <% String query = "Select * from Customers"; %>

[Export results to Excel] ...

11. integrating MS Excel in a Java Program    coderanch.com

12. Opening Excel sheet    coderanch.com

13. SWT Table Control like excel.    coderanch.com

14. Embedding Excel in JAVA GUI    coderanch.com

Hi, Am working on a Swing based Desktop Application in NetBeans. I wanted to know if there is a way to embed Excel kind of Sheet in Swing GUI. A sheet which is just as interactive as normal excel sheet and also allows to fetch the data entered in it by the user from backend. Any advice would be much appreciated. ...

15. Export to excel    java-forums.org

:confused: I have data in ms-access database.I want to export it to Excel on click of a button which is in front end developed in core java. I am working on frames NOT applet. I developed a macro in access to export data to excel. But i dont know how to run this macro on click of a button in core ...

16. how to retrieve the informations from database and publish into excel sheet/spread sh    java-forums.org

Hi, i'm new to java forums. can anyone help me to find the solution for retrieving informations from database and publish into excel sheet/spread sheet? i have done the designing part in java swing. i have stored the data into mySQL database. now i want to retrieve the stored one and execute in excel sheet/spreadsheet. Is there any code or API ...

17. Java Swing and Microsoft Excel    forums.oracle.com

18. How to Embed MS Excel in Swing Application?    forums.oracle.com