Observer « Icon Image « Java Swing Q&A

1. Looking to for info about checking the allbit of an image observer in Java/Swing

I am having an issue where I try and load some images using the ToolKit class, this is done like this:

  Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();

  Image image = tk.createImage(imageFile.getPath());
but ...

2. Image Observer

Hello, I'm implementing/attempting to implement Image Observer in a servlet to draw an image graphics2D.drawImage(IMAGE watermark, AffineTransform, IMAGEObserver); and have implementation for the method imageUpdate( java.awt.Image image, int flags, int x, int y, int width, int height). The method does get called and executed. In log, I can see it attempting to wait for the .drawImage call to finish, but the ...