Manipulation « Icon Image « Java Swing Q&A

1. SWING component for simple image editing

Has anyone ever come by a SWING component which does simple image editing operations such as crop, resize and zoom? I've found the following, which are either too complex or lack one ...

2. Image manipulation?????????

3. image manipulation

Hi, I have some code to create thumbnails of pictures anddisplay them on a site. The problem is that we run into an outofmemoryerror every 2 weeks or so. (heap size = 512mb) The average picture size is +- 1 MB Here is the current code; public static Image getImage(byte[] u) { return new ImageIcon(u).getImage(); } public static byte[] processImage(final byte[] ...

4. Beginner at Image manipulation...

Hi all.. I wanted to see if I could get some direction on Image manipulation. I have experience in handling uploading of files and even saving to disk but have no experience in manipulating an image besides using Grails plugin called ImageTools (uses JAI) which basically does all the work for me. I am really weak in this area and hope ...

5. Image manipulation

Hi everyone, I have an application that compares sets of images and identifies if there are any duplicates. The user is then shown a list of thumbnails of the duplicates and has the option to delete them. This all works great, but I'm concerned about the performance of the thumbnail generation. The quality of the thumbnail does not matter - the ...

6. Creating image file after manipulation in bits of image

i am working on a project where i manipulated bits of image by taking first their pixel value in integer format then this value in bit format .After manipulation, i reconstruct the integer from the bits.... now problem is i am unable to make the image from this integer values..... Please help me out.....