Jar « Icon Image « Java Swing Q&A

1. Java Swing: Displaying images from within a Jar    stackoverflow.com

When running a Java app from eclipse my ImageIcon shows up just fine. But after creating a jar the path to the image obviously gets screwed up. Is there a way to extract ...

2. Images will not work in a .jar file    stackoverflow.com

When a .jar of an application is created, the images in the application no longer appear. An example of our code for loading images is: ImageIcon placeHolder = new ImageIcon(src\Cards\hidden.png); We have ...

3. Can not load the images in Java Swing when running from a .jar-file    stackoverflow.com

I can run my Java Swing application from Eclipse without problems. But when I run it from a .jar-file, the images fails to load. I load my images with:

How can I load ...

4. Netbeans jar file icon problems    stackoverflow.com

I finally found how to make an exe project in Netbeans, so a jar file and execute it from the DESKTOP. The only problem I have ocurred is that after I open ...

5. Error loading images in Signed Jar, JNLP Application    stackoverflow.com

I am developing JNLP Application and using maven-webstart plugin to create JNLP. When running the application in my local, it works correctly but when I run in Tomcat Server using jnlp, ...

6. how to load the images in java runnable jar?    stackoverflow.com

When I convert my project into runnable jar the same system, the image is loading in the output. But when I tried in another system, the image failed to load? how ...

7. Loading Icon from Swing jar    coderanch.com

8. Images in a Jar File    coderanch.com

Using Forte for development. In my gui I use getImage("com/teoco/EitParser/eplogo.gif") to load the image in my title bar rather than the Java logo. This works. Now I create a jar of all of the class files and this logo. Then I create a cmd file that launches the gui, but the image doesn't appear in the title bar anymore. After creating ...

9. Problem getting image from JAR file    coderanch.com

I have a JAR and it contains a directory called icons that contains all my image icons for my application. I am running jdk 1.4.0 and here is the code that is compiling but not running: URL url = getClass().getResource("icons\\connect16.gif"); Image image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(url); ImageIcon ii = new ImageIcon(image); Now when I run the applicationa and it gets to this point ...

10. Extracting Image From A Jar File    coderanch.com

Dear Pals, I followed the tutorial provided in JavaWorld to to Extract an Image from a JAR File But in the middle, I am in problem. package jarTest; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.zip.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; public final class JarResources { public boolean debugOn=false; private Hashtable htSizes=new Hashtable(); private Hashtable htJarContents=new Hashtable(); private String jarFileName; public JarResources(String ...

11. Cant load images from my jar    coderanch.com

Hey, I have images stored in one of the packages. i run a sample app that has to load a splash screen. the app is in com.bla.tst package, the images are in com.bla.images i can never resolve URL to load them: public SplashWindow2(String title) { super(title); String iconImagePath = "/com/bla/images/btec_icon16x16.jpg"; String splashImagePath = "/com/bla/images/BTecSplash.jpg"; Image iconImage = new ImageIcon(iconImagePath).getImage(); ImageIcon splashImage ...

12. How to got image from jar file?    coderanch.com

13. Swing: Using icon resources in a jar    coderanch.com

The Class.getResource() method in Pat's code above is an instance method. This means that you need a Class object to call it. Alternatively, you can use the static ClassLoader.getSystemResource() method. I'm not sure of the differences between these to methods, so you should probably read the javadocs to see if there are any that will impact your development. Keep Coding! Layne ...

14. Image In Executable JAR    coderanch.com

I created an SWT application and made it a JAR executable. However, any image files that it uses cannot be accessed within the JAR when I execute it. I coded it like this: Image image1 = new Image(display,"images/myimage.bmp"); and also tried this: Image image1 = new Image(display,"myimage.bmp"); Both ways work in Eclipse, but not as a JAR.

15. where to put image jar files    coderanch.com

You can only use getClass().getResource() if the resource is in the exact same place as the class. Therefore, the image itself should be in the JAR file with the class itself. If you want to load it from the JAR anyway, you need to create a URL that looks like "jar:file:!icon1.JPG". You can create this as follows, given ...

16. Image inside jar file    coderanch.com

Dear friends, I have to display some icons in the GUI which i create. I have included the following gif files in the code: Image logo = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("icon/iconAbc.gif"); Icon openicon = new ImageIcon("icon/open.gif"); Icon saveicon = new ImageIcon("icon/Save.gif"); Icon saveasicon = new ImageIcon("icon/Saveas.gif"); Icon exiticon = new ImageIcon("icon/exit.gif"); Icon cuticon = new ImageIcon("icon/cut.gif"); Icon copyicon = new ImageIcon("icon/copy.gif"); Icon pasteicon = ...

18. Problems loading images from application JAR    coderanch.com

I have a Swing application that uses some images and icons. When I run it from an exploded directory, everything works fine. But when I run the exact same code from a jar, the ImageIcon objects do not have an image. The images are being found in the JAR (see logging output below) by the call to getResource(), but loading them ...

19. Can not display Icons when running an executable jar files.    coderanch.com

Hello, I finished developing an swing application and packed it in a jar file. when i execute the jar file. the Icons are not displayed. I tried : Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource("image.jpg"); and it worked on some of the icons. I also tried: this.getClass().getResource("image.jpg"); but nothing. Is there another way to use images when running the application from a jar file. Thanks in advance ...

20. Error loading image jar    coderanch.com

hello here is my problem. I just made a little application in this application so I must have an image in system stray so everything works when I run the application with netbeans but I launch it in a jar executable impossible to image code public class SystemTrayTest { public SystemTrayTest() throws AWTException { final TrayIcon trayIcon; if (SystemTray.isSupported()) { SystemTray ...

22. How to give Icon to a Jar file ?    coderanch.com

JAR files do not have icons. The icon is given to it by Windows solely based on the fact that the extension is .jar, and there is a file association for .jar with that icon defined. The best you can do without using Launch4J or similar tools to turn the JAR file into an EXE file is use a Windows shortcut. ...

23. Assigning a good Icon to the executable jar file    java-forums.org

Thanks for the reply. The problem is solved. There was a small mistake in the JNLP file. Thanks to DaryllBurke for helping me over many forums and atlast getting the problem solved. DB i am getting another trouble after being able to understand the working of JNLP. i have created one other thread, pls look into that and help me.

24. GUI JAR Image 'tearing' in Windows    java-forums.org

Hi all, I'm a bit of a novice in Java, and have been basically learning as I went along while programming a visualization GUI with Swing. I've been surprised with how relatively smooth development has gone (I think mainly because I'm using Eclipse) on my Linux machine. Basically, my GUI displays 2 images: on the first, it draws some points at ...

25. How to set Icon on jar file    java-forums.org

26. Icon on Jar file    java-forums.org

The icon that gets displayed for an executable is pulled directly from the executable header. The executable for a jar file is the 'jar' exectuable rather than the jar file itself. Most OSs have some kind of mechanism in place to allow the icon to be customized by an installer, but there's no way to do it via a manifest entry, ...

27. Netbeans6.8 .jar file icon change    java-forums.org

28. Images not loading in compiled .jar swing app    forums.oracle.com

Hi thanks for any help in advance. I've got a neat text editor application which has a quick-access picture toolbar with images in. When I run the class file of the app its fine all the images display correctly. However when I compile all the classes to a jar file the images don't load when I run the jar. The whole ...