JPEG « Icon Image « Java Swing Q&A

2. Copying JPEG from one file to another?

First you click on the 'My Computer' icon up in the corner of your screen, open up the folder the JPEG file is stored in, and then drag the file.... Oh, wait... you mean in Java... import; import; import; import; import; public class FileMover { public static void main( String[] args ) { String path1 = ...

3. overlay jpeg with text

7. How To Add Text to a JPEG image?

Is there a good source code example that demonstrates how to embed text into an exisiting JPEG image. I want to put some copyright information into several hundred JPEG files, but can't find a good reference. I bought the Java2D API reference, but although it's excellent, this text doesn't appear to have a lot of simple examples to get you understanding ...

8. Show semi-transparent image on top of other JPEG

Ok... here's some code that works... it uses ImageIO, because it's easier to use, and is now standard with JDK 1.4... the com.sun JPEG stuff was always "unofficial". I put in lots of comments, so it should be easy to follow what I did. There's probably some better way to do this with BufferedImageOp, but this was just a quick solution... ...

9. Java2D to Jpeg in Server App

Hey All, I'm writing a web based application and would like to use Java2D to create jpegs to be rendered in client browsers. I hoping to be able to create images with Rectagle, Line and Text components, whose properties are based on application data, and then render those components into a jpeg that gets served back to the client. Is this ...

12. Encode JPEG as CMKY instead of RGB using JPEGEncodeParam?

Hi, I have a program that opens a jpeg, writes text on the image, and saves it as a jpeg. Only problem is that I need it as a CMYK jpeg instead of RGB. Any way to do this? I tried opening a CMYK file but java wont seem to do it. It seems to be fine with RGB and grayscale. ...

13. Resize large jpeg without getting "Out of Memory"??

Hi, I am working on a program that lets users customize advertisments... after they customize the ad, I want to display a low rez (500 x 300 pixel) version of the ad. I planned on doing this by loading their saved jpeg and using getScaledInstance().. problem is that I keep getting the error "Out of Memory" when I run it from ...

14. Bmp, gif, jpeg

If you're trying to save an image then you have to work with the image.Use the proper API. (See working with images on If you're trying to *print* a form, then i don't thing that there is a way you should do that, because this is an operating system's ability.I mean that in other languages, like C++,VB use some System's ...

15. How to center a String within a JPEG?

16. Analysing if a Jpeg exists in another Jpeg

I want to write a Jpeg that recognizes if it exists in another jpeg. Example: I got a jpeg, 50*50 pixels, which I have cut out from a bigger jpeg 100*100 How Do I write a function that can tell me if picture 1 exists within picture 2? Code example please! /BondePer

17. How to load a jpeg in java Swing?

The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way. - ...

18. Jpeg images not proper in MAC

hi i am saving a component to a jpeg image(converting component to buffered image) with the code line ImageIO.write( image, "jpg", file ); this code works fine when component is saved in windows but in case of Mac OS X the image created gets a reddish tint . Can anyone tell me where the problem is or is there something else ...

19. Any idea why my jpeg isn't showing?

20. Display a JPEG

21. Image Coversion .indd to .jpeg

22. Loading a JPEG into a swing application...