Image display « Icon Image « Java Swing Q&A

1. Java Netbeans simple display Image in Design Mode

I am using a custom subclass of JPanel to offer me more control over the display of some images. The code to it is below. However, in Netbeans, in design mode, ...

2. displaying an image in swing

I'm developing a Snake game. Instead of showing moving rectangle, I'm planning to show a picture and want to move it with keystrokes. but I can't do it with Jlabel. since labels ...

3. how to display a image in java application

i want to display a image in my java application. i found a code to download the image from the webserver. what that code do is it takes the image and ...

4. how to display a image in java application after downloading the image

i want to display a image after downloading that image from a web-server i have wrote the code for downloading the image. but i cant set it up to a label or ...

5. Cannot get image to display in Swing on OSX

I think I'm being a bit of an idiot, given that I haven't done Swing programming in a while, but I'm trying to draw a simple image to screen, and I'm ...

6. o display an image

I want to display an image from the web to a panel in another Jframe at the click of a button but whenever I click the button first the image loads ...

7. Displaying Multiple Images in java

I've developed an Image search engine which works on object. The only problem is with displaying search results. Since, we are using java, so the UI is not very good for now.. ...

8. How to implement sleep to display a slideshow of images

Im working in Java Swing using JWindows to display images... Ive made different JLabels contain the images that I want to display.. Im removing previous added components and adding new ones ...

9. What Java class will allow me to display an image placeholder?

I want to display boxes that are actually image placeholders in Swing. They are fixed size and the image, once loaded into the placeholder, will scale to fit the placeholder. I'd ...

10. Displaying an image in Java Swing

public class MinesweeperMenu extends MinesweeperPanel{

private JPanel picture = new JPanel();
private JButton play = new JButton("Play");
private JButton highScores = new JButton("High Score and \nStatistics");
private JButton changeMap = new JButton("Create Custom \nor Change ...

11. Displaying multiple images

The application is to display a geographic map from a .gif and then draw vectors on top to show locations of features. Then the user can change the geographic location. A GIS will generate a new map .gif which must be read and displayed. The task of this code then is to show loading an image and then replacing with another ...

12. image display problems

13. i want to display an image using swings

14. Images sometimes don't display

It might be that you need to load the image with MediaTracker before trying to display it... but I don't know unless I see your code... Here's a similiar class I made with the AWT Panel that works... import java.awt.*; public class ImagePanel extends Panel { private Image myImage; public ImagePanel( Image i ) { setImage( i ); } public ImagePanel() ...

15. Image not displayed

16. Problem displaying images

public class Card { public Card( JComponent p ) { parent = p; } public void draw( Graphics g, int x, int y ) { g.drawImage( cardImage, x, y, parent ); } public void loadImage( String path ) { MediaTracker mt = new MediaTracker( parent ); cardImage = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit.getImage( path ); mt.addImage( cardImage, 0 ); try { mt.waitForID( 0 ); } ...

17. display an image from an inputsource

18. Displaying images

Hi Nathan, You can mind my application like a photo album. First, I insert blank pages and then I'm add images into the page. Really, this application must have support the insertion of images, texts, and video, but the last one is not very important for now. One more question: How can I to get the position of the pics inserted? ...

20. how to display image using awt??

21. Image Display Error

Rene, thanks for your response. Actually I originally constructed the program as you suggested (with no paint() method overwriting). But when I did this the image is not displaying correctly. There is a small white box where the image should be. I found that if I overwrote the paint method the image appears correctly. I'm not sure if you used the ...

22. Displaying image on JWindow

Try using a media tracker to track progress of your image loading. Once it is completed do a repaint. Larger images may not be loaded imediately and thus can not be displayed right away, and no repaint will be called until some event forces it (like moving the window or something). So you will have to add your own repaint when ...

23. display image

Hi, Let say i want to display A's picture when display A's biodata which is I retrieve from database. Else if I retrieve B's bioadata... I want to have picture of B. I knew how to retrieve text from database but i dont know how to have the picture... could someone help me with some coding sample? thanks in advance.. regards, ...

24. Images do not display correctly

Hi Everyone, I'm a bit of a newbie & i'm trying to implement an LED display. I have 4 .gif's to represent the 'bars' of an LED - vertical & horizontal, lit & unlit. I've started by trying to organise the 7 'bars' in a GridLayout , but when i run this code, i just get two of the bars displaying ...

26. image displaying problem

27. Display an image for a set time

I have an application that should load an image to be set as an icon for a JLabel from JPEG files. The file names are numbers ie. (0.jpg, 1.jpg, ...) so that i can choose the files with a loop and use the loop index as the image name to be retrieved. Depending on some user action the picture should be ...

28. Displaying Image in java swings

hai. i am developing a chess like game. i have the images in .jpeg formats. i have a Board.jpeg and other images.. i want to know how i can display the Board.jpeg image and after displaying it. i have to display the soldier image over that board image in a particular sqaure. anvar s

29. Displaying images

30. Displaying images in a JESS GUI


The first link I posted shows how to draw an image. Did you get that to work? If so, you can use a similar method call to draw the second image on top of it. You'd probably want to use different x and y coordinates, depending on the size on the images, and their desired locations.

32. DISPLAYING several image

thanks infinitely for your reply, iv been able to do what you told me before and it worked. but there was some problem with the display. this was because i have put the image on the frame itself and i have read the image directly from a file. could i have some example of how to put the big image in ...


34. Image display with visor

Hello, I have a application that shows a pgm image read it of a file. When I read the image, I show two frames, one with the original size (with scrolls) ant another with the same image but with a smaller size. In this second frame I have to draw a litttle square that represents the zone of the image diplayed ...

35. Problems with image display

36. Java 2D, displaying an image

I managed to show images from a tree to a split panel, using JAI, and scale it with the next code: private void showImage(String imagePath) { PlanarImage image = JAI.create("fileload", imagePath); // Scale in image image = scaleImage(image); DisplayJAI dj = new DisplayJAI(image); JScrollPane newImagePane = new JScrollPane(dj); JPanel rightPane = new JPanel(); rightPane.setLayout(new BoxLayout(rightPane, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS)); rightPane.add(newImagePane); rightPane.add(new JLabel(imagePath)); splitPane.setBottomComponent(rightPane); splitPane.setDividerLocation(300); ...

37. Displaying an image in a subpanel

Hi, hope someone can help! My program is a public class MyJFrame that extends JFrame (the main() is in here). It can pop up a modal dialog, MyJDialog that extends JDialog. MyJDialog actually instantiates MyImageJPanel, and in the MyJDialog constructor does a setContentPane(MyImageJPanel). MyImageJPanel looks like this: private class MyImageJPanel extends JPanel { public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); Image img ...

38. Image is not getting displayed

I want to display an image in the applet..Can anyone say me how to do that..And i want to display the label at specified co-ordinates..How can i do this.. package mining; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.border.LineBorder; /** * * @author 8563 */ public class Tree extends javax.swing.JApplet { JLabel label; int h = 10; int w = 5; public void ...

39. image display quary: need help

40. problem in displaying image

try{ BufferedInputStream inputimage = new BufferedInputStream(filePost.getResponseBodyAsStream()); if(inputimage!=null){; } System.out.println(userimg.getData()); }catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("inputstream is null"); } filePost.releaseConnection(); final ImageIcon imgdata=new ImageIcon(userimg.getScaledInstance(90,110,java.awt.Image.SCALE_SMOOTH)); System.out.println(imgdata.getDescription()); showimg=new JLabel() { public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { MediaTracker mt = new MediaTracker(showimg); mt.addImage(imgdata.getImage(),1,90,110); try { mt.waitForAll(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } super.paintComponent(g); g.drawImage(imgdata.getImage(), 0, 0, null); validate(); } } ;

41. image display in swing application

Hi all, My all the images that are used in my game are in the same folder where my jar file is present, so when i run my executable jar file outside the reach of that folder than images does not get displayed on my game, I mean when jar file is located inside the folder with the images then images ...

42. Display image

43. Displaying an image issue

Hello, I have created a GUI with the menus "File" and "Help". "File" has a menu item, "Open Image...". I'm just having an issue DISPLAYING an image at the GUI. I have my "Open Image..." menu item as follows: openImageMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { fileChooser = new JFileChooser(); int sts = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(AbdMedImgEditor.this); if(sts == fileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { File selectedFile ...

44. Image Icon not displaying properly

45. Trying to Display an image in Swing

I'm not sure why, but every time I try to get a picture to show up in a Java program I am trying to run it doesn't display. Here is basically my code JPanel pic = new JPanel(); pic.setSize(225,155); ImageIcon pc = new ImageIcon("file.gif"); JLabel lab = new JLabel(pc, SwingConstants.CENTER); pic.add(lab); frame.add(pic); //The name of the JFrame The image is 223x150. ...

46. Displaying large images

Hi, A typical image I want to display ( and be able to scroll around ) is 20 Mb, 10000 x 5000 pixels, png format. Trying to load such an image, I get Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space despite increasing the heap space available to the runtime environment with: (Eclipse) -vmargs -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:PermSize=256M -XX:MaxPermSize=512M in the ...

47. display images

please help me because I don't use Java before and now I have to built a web browser !!!!!! I try : Graphics.drawImage(Image, ...) but it doesn't work will how can use it to read from the url it is images and then display these images as its in the original place and display it in JFrame f..??

48. Displaying an image

Hello, I have created a GUI with the menus "File" and "Help". "File" has a menu item, "Open Image...". I'm just having an issue DISPLAYING an image at the GUI. I have my "Open Image..." menu item as follows: openImageMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { fileChooser = new JFileChooser(); int sts = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(AbdMedImgEditor.this); if(sts == fileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { File selectedFile ...

49. to display image

hi frnds, i m trying to display multiple images on a single frame using BufferedImage class in java.The thing is that i m able to display single image on a single frame but not more than one image on the same frame.i have tried with this public void paint(Graphics g) { g2=(Graphics2D)g; AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(currentRate, currentRate); String [] files ={ ...

50. image display

Hi frnds, i M TRYING TO DISPLAY MULTIPLE IMAGES ON A SINGLE FRAME BUT I M UNABLE TO DO THAT.I AM ABLE TO DISPLAY ONLY A SINGLE IMAGE.CAN ANYONE HELP ME TO DO THIS? I HAVE TRIED WITH THIS public void paint(Graphics g) { String [] files ={ "D:\\rnd\\testImages\\test.jpg","D:\\rnd\\testImag es\\test1.jpg" }; BufferedImage[] images = new BufferedImage[files.length]; int i; for(i = 0; ...

51. Displaying multiple images

hi, I m trying to display multiple images on a single JFrame.I m able to display but the problem i m facing is that though my images are of different sizes when they r displayed on single JFrame they appear to be of same size and that too also very small.Can anyone help me?Its urgent.I have tried with this /******displaying images ...

52. Displaying multiple images in java

hi, I m trying to display multiple images on a single JFrame.I m able to display but the problem i m facing is that though my images are of different sizes when they r displayed on single JFrame they appear to be of same size and that too also very small.Can anyone help me?Its urgent.I have tried with this /******displaying images ...

53. Displaying different image types

54. There is a problem. The image does'nt display on the panel2

Is there anything wrong with the openFile or is there something else missing? because when i load the image using JFileChooser it gets loaded (the frame name changes to image name) but its does not display. is there any problem with the splitpane?? here is the code: Java Code: import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.border.BevelBorder; import javax.swing.border.EtchedBorder; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; ...

55. Weird problem on displaying images.

You've got a bug somewhere, but it's difficult to see where given the limited information that you've presented so far. If you're still stuck, you may want to give us more information, pertinent code, and what happens when you try to debug things with a debugger or with System.out.println(...) calls sprinkled in your program to test the state of important variables. ...

56. Help me displays an image

Hello everyone, I have a Java exercise basic. But I can't solve it. Can you hep me? It is:" Develop a Frame that displays an image that its text is: press here to know what I think. Each trial to click on the image will move it to another location." Thank you very much.

57. How to display image ?

Hello everyone, I just registered on these forums because it seems a decent place with people that know about stuff. Before anyone asks: Yes, I did use the search engine and found some stuff (which I couldn't fully understand) related to my problem. Maybe it's because I am not sure what to search for. Either way ... I am having some ...

58. displaying a image in a gui

Agree -- Swing questions should be in the Swing forum. But this question is special in that it is asked about twice a month. You will also probably get answers to similar questions faster by searching the forum with the search box on the right. I search this place about 3-4 times a day as it's an amazing repository of information, ...

59. How do i display an image on a GUI?