1. Help with Scrollable Image please... coderanch.comHi there, I'm having a bit of a problem I have a thumbnail of a photo on a form called Photo.java public class Photo extends javax.swing.JInternalFrame ImageIcon thumbnail = new ImageIcon(file.getPath()); displayLabel.setIcon(thumbnail) When I click the thumbnail it opens a new form (DisplayPhoto.java) where I want to display the photo as it actual size. If the picture is to big, I ... |
2. with what can i show images!? coderanch.com |
3. need to do this image work without AWT - Swing coderanch.comOK, I know this is going to sound strange but I tried over in the servlets section and have been beating my head trying to figure it out for two days.. what i need to do is replace this code (in a servlet): Graphics2D graphics2D = thumbImage.createGraphics(); graphics2D.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR); graphics2D.drawImage(image, 0, 0, thumbWidth, thumbHeight, null); With some other way to do ... |
4. java images coderanch.comWelcome to the JavaRanch, a. We like to keep things friendly around here so we ask that people use their real names, as detailed in our naming policy. In short, your name must be a first name and last name, separated by a space and not obviously fake. As for your question, Java was designed to be cross platform and the ... |
5. pasting images in swing coderanch.com |
6. Points on an Image coderanch.comSupposing I have drawn a picture in a frame with paintComponent method, and then saved this as an Image. Then suppose I chose the point (100,100) on the image, is it possible to determine the colour of this point?? Basically, I am constructing a breakout game. I have it working, but there are too many if statements to go through to ... |
7. Sending an image on network.. coderanch.comBy the way, if I want to save an image by "serialization", I store (and retrieve) the data from the image in an instance of this class. Not the sharpest tool int the box, but it serves me well! I hope you can use this. //file BufferedImageXP .java import java.awt.image.*; import java.io.*; public class BufferedImageXP implements Serializable{ /*Why working with the ... |
8. Images in a LayerPane wont show up. coderanch.com |
9. Stamps on an image coderanch.comOriginally posted by Shalini Chandel: I want to put stamp something like this: |
10. Setting Image in the node coderanch.com |
11. hi, Image coderanch.com |
12. No Image why??!!! coderanch.com |
13. Image that Fits coderanch.comhello ranchers.... I am using an Image inside the Panel and dialog box. when the image is loaded it doesnt fit to that panel, it seems like the image is gone half way. so my doubt is how to fit an image inside a panel or dialog box? even if i resize the frame or dialog box, the image must adjust ... |
14. Image problem coderanch.comHere's one way to scale an image to fill a component. This approach is easy enough to adapt to AWT components. If you use a Label or Panel override "public void paint(Graphics g)". You may also have to override "public void update(Graphics g) { paint(g); }" to get it to work properly. import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import ... |
15. Add an image to tableviewer coderanch.com |
16. Generating images coderanch.com |
17. Image coderanch.comIt takes some experimenting, like this: String protocol = "file:/"; // you may have some typos in this next line (copy & paste) String path = "C:/Documents and Settings/Chris/My Documents/My Pictures/"; String name = "bunny.bmp"; URL url = new URL(protocol + path + name); System.out.println("url = " + url.toString()); BufferedImage image1 = ImageIO.read(url); File file = new File(path + name); System.out.println("file ... |
18. to scan a image verically in oder to create its vertical histogram coderanch.comhello frnds, i have a image whose vertical histogram i hv to obtain in oder to do some other functioning but pixelgrabber scans the image horizontally by taking scan line width as an argument........i.e it scans the all the columns of first row of image and then it jumps to next row.......what i want is it should scan first all rows ... |
19. Image related coderanch.com |
20. How do I watermark an image? coderanch.com |
21. Why isn't my image showing up? coderanch.comJLabel label = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(getImage(images))); ... private BufferedImage getImage(BufferedImage[] images) { Dimension d = getCompositeSize(images); int type = BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB; BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(d.width, d.height, type); Graphics2D g2 = image.createGraphics(); g2.setPaint(UIManager.getColor("Panel.background")); g2.fillRect(0, 0, d.width, d.height); int x = pad; for(int j = 0; j < images.length; j++) { int y = (d.height - images[j].getHeight())/2; g2.drawImage(images[j], x, y, null); x += ... |
22. Image won't appear coderanch.comHi, I'm trying to load an image into an application in Netbeans 5.0. The images folder is in the same directory as the .java files. I don't understand why this code doesn't work. class Drawer extends JPanel { Image woodenBoard; ImageIcon icon; public Drawer() { super(); icon=new ImageIcon("images/wb.JPG"); woodenBoard=icon.getImage(); } public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); g.drawImage(woodenBoard,0,0,50,50,this); Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g; ... |
23. back ground image repeating coderanch.com |
24. PERFORMANCE problem in ENCODING java.awt.Image coderanch.comHi Friends, We are having a performace problem in encoding java.awt.Image in to any of the PNG or DIB or GIF formats. The problem is the size of the image is more than expected. We are getting 22 kb to 27 kb PNG image. But our requirement is 10 - 11 kb only. Here I am attaching the class file, which ... |
25. creating an image from an modified component coderanch.comi apologise if this is in the wrong place but i am a beginer in java and that is part of the problem!! I have been asked to produce an GUI that will let the user open annotate and then save an image from and to file. currently i am using a jlabel as a canvas to open the image using ... |
26. image problem coderanch.comWell that code seems to presume that the background image provide will be large enough. Notice how the example uses a 600x525 background image even though the frame is only 450x200 or so. If you were to stretch that frame wider than 600 then part of the frame would be outside the background image. |
27. JAI, Image CMYK to RGB coderanch.com |
28. only two types of image supported in java true/false coderanch.comThe soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way. - ... |
29. Hide Image coderanch.com |
30. how to set image properties? coderanch.comAuthor, title, comments, etc. aren't really properties of "Images" - images are just pixel data that you can display. If you need to do something like this for an application you're writing, you'd need to make a class to associate these attributes with an image - something like - class ImageData { private Image image; private String comments; private String title; ... |
31. Images coderanch.comThanks, thats kind of the same thing I was trying today, double buffering I think its called. I still have a problem though with my applet. Rubiks Cube I'm using double buffering (painting to an Image, then displaying image), but I'm still getting a little bit of black flickering that can be seen when the cube is twisted(by pulling on a ... |
32. Quick Question about Images coderanch.comHi, I was wondering wether it is more computationally expensive to say draw an image 200 by 200... g.drawImage(image,x,y,this); than it is to just draw a rectangle / polygon of the same size... g.setColor(Color.yellow); g.fillRect(x,y,200,200); I am doing an animation, and would like to know if there is any difference, I guessed drawing an image would be more costly, but I'm ... |
33. Getting image location coderanch.comHi! , I am adding a image to a frame, and i need to capture mouseclick events on that image. What is the best way of doing this ? What i am trying to do is somehow get the current location of the image, and then compare the mouse click coordinates to see if they lie within the image co ordinates. ... |
34. Image formats allowed coderanch.com |
35. Creating multiple images using a loop. coderanch.comHow? I've tried many times, this is what I have so far:public static void addComponentsToPane(Container pane) { for(int i = 0; i < 400; i++) { pane.setLayout(null); Insets insets = pane.getInsets(); ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon("Grass.gif"); JLabel GrassTop = new JLabel(icon); JLabel GrassBottom = new JLabel(icon); Dimension sizeTop = GrassTop.getPreferredSize(); Dimension sizeBottom = GrassBottom.getPreferredSize(); GrassTop.setBounds(insets.left, insets.top, sizeTop.width, sizeTop.height); GrassBottom.setBounds(insets.left - 20, ... |
36. making image disappeared coderanch.comhi, i am desiging a dx-ball game in awt/swing where, bricks will placed in rows, a ball will hit the bricks and what ever brick is touched by the ball should be disappeared. so i've loaded images for bricks and animated ball. i used "clearRect"(java.awt.Graphics)for disappearing image depending on the ball position. the problem is it is clearing the lower row ... |
37. Images query coderanch.comHi, I'm rebuilding my rubiks cube program. This is basically 27 small images(to build cube), with a large image(500,500) for the background of the JPanel. While I was rebuilding the cube, I used a large red rectangle for the background, before I put the real background in... bufferGraphics_.setColor(Color.red); bufferGraphics_.fillRect(0,0,500,500); After running program, and making the cube rotate, small flashes started appearing ... |
38. How to clear the image......... coderanch.comHello, I have a rectancle drawn on buffered image .This is a rubber rectangle which is drawn by dragging the mouse now after releasing the mouse button there remains a dashed lines within the rectangle i need to clear all those and retain only the outer boundary. So is there any method to do it ? I have no idea how ... |
39. image blanks out... why? coderanch.comJFrame jFrame = new JFrame( "JFrame Only" ) ; java.awt.image.BufferedImage buffImg = null ; try { buffImg = javax.imageio.ImageIO.read( new File( "hal.jpg" ) ); } catch ( Exception ex ) { ; } Dimension dimi = new Dimension( buffImg .getWidth( null ) , buffImg .getHeight( null ) ) ; jFrame.setPreferredSize( dimension ) ; jFrame.setLocation( 200 , 200 ) ; jFrame.pack( ) ... |
40. annoying images coderanch.comWhen I run this code lynxIcon pops up but rabbitIcon does not. I have tried everything. The file does exist, it compiles and runs without a problem, the System.out.println(rabbitIcon); prints out a valid definition and I have no clue what to try next. package com.googlepages.kpcode.LynxVsRabbit; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; class Art extends JPanel implements ActionListener { public static JButton ... |
41. how to extract the date n time from images coderanch.com |
42. rectangle from image coderanch.com |
43. to add image in prog coderanch.com |
44. Turning images around the clock coderanch.comI want to turn several images around in different directions, like an image of an arrow turning against your cursor. To be more exact, I want different images of arrows, lightning and others to be shot from different points and then turn against their destination points. So that no arrows etc will be flying backwards... I will be doing this with ... |
45. StyledDocuments Image Alignment coderanch.comHey everybody, I've got two questions. I've been working on a program which uses a jtextpane+styled document. The document has both text (multiple styles), and one .gif picture. 1)The document looks much like a page of text with the image at the top left. The problem? I want the image at the top right while keeping the text left-aligned. I've tried ... |
46. How to change the DPI of a image coderanch.com |
47. JSP Image Thumbnailer coderanch.com |
48. RE: image ico coderanch.com |
49. Image compression code coderanch.com |
50. how to add image coderanch.com |
51. how to make fusion chart image coderanch.comhello i am using followin code inside index.jsp < <%@ page language="java" import="java.awt.print.Pageable,java.io.FileInputStream, com.lowagie.text.Document, com.lowagie.text.Paragraph, com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter, java.io.FileNotFoundException, java.io.FileInputStream, com.lowagie.text.DocumentException, com.lowagie.text.Cell, java.awt.Color, com.lowagie.text.Table, java.io.FileOutputStream, com.lowagie.text.PageSize" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> |
52. Pasting Images Problem coderanch.comHi all, I'm having a problem pasting images from an external application to my java app. The external app uses the Windows clipboard to copy these proprietary images into a format that is not documented, but as I understand it, Windows uses BMP by default. The problem is that when the clipboard contents are pasted into my application, the images are ... |
53. adding an image coderanch.com |
54. How to get an image into an app? coderanch.com |
55. How to manipulate the image coderanch.comMy task is to display small circle in google map image. i am able to get image in contentpane and i am able to draw square in contentpane, but i want to draw small circles on google map image. Can you please tell me how to do it, i am attaching the file i want it please find the doccument attached... ... |
56. java image coderanch.com |
57. image hightlite coderanch.comhi i have bufferedimage(img1) which i render on the screen, then if user mouseover it i want hightlite it with yellow (exemple yellow with 0.5 alpha) what i think to do that create another bufferedimage(img2, yellow with 0.5 alpha) with hight and wight as img1 and merge it with img1 but problem is img1 have transparent pixels(0 alpha) and if render ... |
58. how to build an image ontop of another image coderanch.comHi! My customer has an interesting demand. He is a jewelery designer. He wants that a customer will be able to choose a picture of a jewelery (for example a ring) and the user will write down his name in an input box, and it will generate the jewelery with his name on it. Please see the attached picture for example. ... |
59. create transulent image coderanch.com |
60. Image in List coderanch.comWhat happens if you remove the comment start on line 32, and actually execute it? If I do (and modify the code slightly to compile), add some icons in the same folder with the given names and run the code I see the labels with images. You may want to replace JPanels p1 to p3 with direct JLabels: new JLabel("Hi", new ... |
61. Call an image from another package coderanch.com1) getClass().getResource("info.png") already returns a URL. I think that if you print getClass().getResource("info.png") and new java.net.URL(getClass().getResource("info.png"), "info.png") you would see that they are the same. 2) the resource paths are by default relative to the current class. However, that doesn't mean you're constrained to resources in the same folder. You can use resources in a folder (package) inside your current package, ... |
62. How to add image in a pop up coderanch.comHi, I am trying to create a pop up window that will display an image. Here is my code so far: import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.JButton; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; public class MyDrawPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener { private JButton kill; public MyDrawPanel() { kill = new JButton("KILL!"); add(kill); kill.addActionListener(this); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) //e=event { if (e.getSource() == ... |
63. Problem changing images coderanch.com |
64. swing image code returns empty page coderanch.com |
65. Image Help coderanch.compackage com.grammerpros.startscreen; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; /** * This class contains the graphical interface for the first screen. * * @author Benny * @version 1.0 */ public class Gui { JFrame frame = new JFrame("Tic Tac Toe by Benny"); JLabel theTitle; public void createLabels() { ImageIcon title = new ImageIcon("Tic Tac Toe Title.png"); theTitle = new JLabel(title); addComponents(); } public void ... |
66. Images don't appear in Swing code coderanch.comThe following code is from Java In Easy Steps: import java.awt.*; /*import required classes*/ import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class jug extends JApplet implements Runnable, ActionListener { Thread runner; JButton play; JButton stop; Image[] pic = new Image[5]; int total = 0; int count = 0; public void init() { for(int i = 0; i<5; i++) { String img =null; img ... |
67. Flipped image when using tileset coderanch.comWell, i'm having another problem with the "game" i'm trying to make. Basically, i'm in the process of changing the images to a tileset, so i only need 1 image. The problem is that the walking animation and the standing still images are flipped, i don't know why because they use the same image. Here's my code, could someone guide me ... |
68. Trying to do an image gallery coderanch.com |
69. Lighten or darken BufferedImages, or Images? coderanch.com |
70. Is it possible to calculate percentage of image matches in java. coderanch.com |
71. Where should images be placed coderanch.com |
72. A couple of questions about images coderanch.comHello, i'm finally starting to try and make my applications look a bit better. I have a couple of questions. I was wondering if it's considered best to work out how big you want your icons or images to be before using them in your program rather than altering their size in the program? At the moment my program draws a ... |
73. Image annotation java-forums.orghi to all i am working on image annotation..i am able to draw circles,rectangles and other things for an image. but i am not able to erase the drawing object means when i click on erase button i am not able to erase drawn circles or any other thing.can any one know how to perform the task.................... thanks in advance. |
74. image annotation java-forums.orghi i am doing a small project on image annotation using swings and awt. can any one please tell where i can i get the relevant support or source code so that with their help i can complete my task.....i need some help to start it...how to implement....are in which forums shall i ask about this question... thanks in advance....... |
75. Retrieve Image From Hard Disk java-forums.orgthanx Darryl.Burke for your reply. but it will be helpful if u describe it a little.actually i want to retrieve image from secondary memory and want to do work on the pixels. the second part i achieved through applet,but i am not happy it. i was thinking if something can be done by the swing. thanx |
76. [new] need help on GUI adding images java-forums.orghi all, well im just confused on how i would create an object from one class and display it on another class. For example on my main class i have created a frame which just has a blue background. I have an crab class where i want to create like crab objects. What im stuck on is how to i give ... |
77. Cant put a in a image. java-forums.org:confused:I am looking to put in a image into this app that I am working on in class but every were i have looked online has not helped me. I cant get a pick to work inside this code could someone help me I would like to put a image file name in, but I dont even know where to start..... ... |
78. Basic Image Questions java-forums.orgHello, I want to be more informed on the basic syntax for my problem. In our Java class we are making games that basically only requires sound and animation. For my game I wanted to do that "adding game" which is a two player game involving your hands. I am currently trying to just do a detailed psuedo-code for my game. ... |
79. Image java-forums.orgJava Code: public void paint(Graphics g) { // create a sprite, add it the cache then return it enemy en = new enemy(); en.drawenemy(g); g.drawRect(0, 50, 750, 600); Font font1 = new Font("verdana", Font.PLAIN, 22); Font font2 = new Font("gothic", Font.PLAIN , 30); Font font3 = new Font("verdana" ,Font.BOLD,26); g.setFont(font2); g.drawString("PI" , 20 , 25); g.drawLine(0, 50, 2000, 50); g.setFont(font1); g.drawString("Stats" ... |
80. Help on abstracting image java-forums.orgHi, Am onto a project, and in of my forms i need to click on a button where its action is to open a file browser and wen selected some image from that browser i need to crop, just like the way we select and crop the image in orkut profile.... It would be grateful if anyone can help me out. ... |
81. Content Based Image Retrieval java-forums.org |
82. Change dimension of image java-forums.orgimport java.awt.Dimension; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; public class ZoomExample2 { public static void main(String[] args) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ZoomFrame frame = new ZoomFrame(); frame.prik(); } }); } } class ZoomFrame extends JFrame { Picture slika = new Picture(); public ZoomFrame() { getContentPane().add(slika); } public void prik() { setTitle("Example"); setSize(new Dimension(800,600)); setLocationRelativeTo(null); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setVisible(true); } } ... |
83. Image atop another image in GUI java-forums.orgI'm currently creating a simple monopoly-game in Java for class. Since I need to show all of the streets, and sometimes players atop the streets, I need to use some component in the swing library which can accomplish this. I've tried JLabel and JLayeredPane but I haven't gotten any of these to work. Does anyone know what I should use. tl;dr: ... |
84. creating an image from scratch java-forums.orgHere is what I have: 2 dimensional array of colors with RGB values. (like pixels) Here is what I need: an image reflecting the contents of that 2d array. I have researched this a bit and read about images, bufferedImages, rasters, writableRasters, and the like but I dont quite understand how to use them. My ultimate goal is to create an ... |
85. How to show image on images java-forums.orgThanks for teh repplies, good idea! But I wonder if java does not provide sth like area-clickable image ? By the way, I know how to handle JButtons, but one point, when I placed buttons on the canvas, I want them placed on the desired positions. How can I be sure the seen properly on onother user? and with different screen ... |
86. non web based image verification integration java-forums.orgDear All, I am not sure if this is the correct area to ask this question.I am a newbie to java and have been scheduled to work on jcaptcha.I am creating a encryption algorithm software for removable devices.Before the software starts,a password dialog box will pop up and I am going to integrate a java captcha to a password dialog application ... |
87. Image with JWindow -> trails java-forums.orgHi all ! First let me apologize for my bad english. Secondly, I tried to show on the screen transpaernt animated gif, in another words, sprite(character) which walk on the desktop, well, i succsed, but there is a problem, if the sprite move is head, then on the screen you will see the sprite before and after the movmenet, there are ... |
88. set coordinate to an image java-forums.orgJava Code: import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.io.*; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.swing.*; public class Collage extends JPanel { BufferedImage top; BufferedImage bottom; Point loc = new Point(); public Collage(BufferedImage[] images) { top = images[0]; bottom = images[1]; } protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); int x = (getWidth() - bottom.getWidth())/2; int y = (getHeight() - bottom.getHeight())/2; g.drawImage(bottom, x, y, ... |
89. [SOLVED] Question about java.awt.image java-forums.orgwow, thanks a lot. by the way, is there a simpler way to make an item in the system tray? by the way, i was the one who asked you last week regarding threads that run in an infinite loop. setting the timeout really does well. from 100% CPU it comes down to only 12-50%. we are making an IM and ... |
90. images java-forums.org |
91. [SOLVED] Set Image java-forums.orgpublic class AboutDlg extends Dialog { private Button button; private Label label1; public AboutDlg(Frame parent) { super(parent,"About", false); setLayout(new BorderLayout(15,15)); setResizable(false); Font f; label1 = new Label("",Label.CENTER); } public boolean action (Event evt, Object arg) { if (evt.target instanceof Button) { hide(); dispose(); return true; } return false; } public boolean handleEvent (Event event) { switch (event.id) { case Event.WINDOW_DESTROY: dispose(); ... |
92. images java-forums.orgimport java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; class d extends JComponent implements Runnable { private Image r; private Image g; int x=0; long floor=329; boolean t=true; public void run() { r=new ImageIcon("red.png").getImage(); g=new ImageIcon("red.png").getImage(); try { while(t) { repaint(); x++; if(x==floor) { t=false; q.drawImage(g,229,x-32,this); } Thread.sleep(20); }}catch(Exception e) { } } public void paint(Graphics q) { q.drawImage(r,229,x,this); }} class f { public static void ... |
93. Using Images in Swing java-forums.orgpackage javaapplication3; import javax.swing.*; /** * * @author Sterling */ public class ImageIconTest { ImageIcon image; JFrame frame = new JFrame(); JPanel panel = new JPanel(); JLabel label; public static void main(String args[]) { ImageIconTest test = new ImageIconTest(); test.go(); } public void go() { image = new ImageIcon("C:\\Users\\Sterling\\Documents\\NetBeansProjects\\GGWEBINTRO\\src\\ggwebintro\\Images\\Mmoving.jpeg"); label = new JLabel("C:\\Users\\Sterling\\Documents\\NetBeansProjects\\GGWEBINTRO\\src\\ggwebintro\\Images\\Mmoving.jpeg", image, JLabel.CENTER); label.setIcon(image); panel.add(label); frame.getContentPane().add(panel); frame.setSize(300, 300); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(frame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); ... |
94. java gui that moves image based on time java-forums.orghey, i have a requirement that basically requires a gui that will on button click show an image of a map. the map will have few train stations. ex: london, barcelona, lisbon, milan etc - let's assume train journey takes 1hour between each station starting from 9am till 9pm. so effectively what i want to show up on clicking the button ... |
95. swing image java-forums.orgpackage game; import java.util.Random; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; public class deck { private Card deckOfCards[]; private final int number_cards = 52; private Random various; private int currentCard; private int actualCard; public ImageIcon cardImage; public deck() { int value[] = { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11 }; |
96. How to add image to a JComponent? forums.oracle.com |
97. help with linking code to netbeans gui - image provided forums.oracle.comHi guys. Im very new to netbeans programming. Iv created a new project that uses a gui, but the problem is i dont know which code to use and how to link it up with the jtextfield, jtextarea and jbuttons. If anyone can take a look at the image i have provided in the link just to see what exactly i ... |
98. How do I get an image on my GUI forums.oracle.com |
99. Image Gui forums.oracle.comI am trying to run a prgm which asks the user for a an image from a JOptionPane selection list and tiles that image using recursin. I ask for the image filename in the main program and pass that input to a GUI class. I am extending the JApplet so I can get the image associated with the filename. However, an ... |
100. need help with images and GUI forums.oracle.comhello all, im a newbie at GUIs, i was wondering what i would use to put a picture in... i need something like a box in the GUI, that i can put my picture in, and the picture would not go out of the box. can someone show me what component/container/etc. i would use? and how i would put an image ... |