Height « Icon Image « Java Swing Q&A

1. how to show preview and calculate width and height of .psd file using Java    stackoverflow.com

We are developing a desktop application using Java Swing that requires to show width and height of the selected .psd file. Also it needs to show the preview of the .psd ...

2. Very strange problem reading image width and height (Java)    stackoverflow.com

I am making a method that returns the width and height of an image. It's an ordinary 32x32 icon. Here is what I did so far:

    Image icon;

3. width and height using image object    coderanch.com

4. image width and height    coderanch.com

Hi, I am using this statement in jsp page to get image and it's width and height - Image im = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("E:/photos/thumb/first.jpg"); width = im.getWidth(null); height = im.getHeight(null); here problem is that , first time it returns -1 to width and height and after refershing page it returns actual width and height of image. I think this problem is related to ...

6. Get Image Height and Width    java-forums.org

In general, images are read asynchronously. To guarantee the image has been completely read, you would need to call 'getHeight' with a non-null ImageObserver that you've implemented to guarantee the read is complete. I did this one time when I was trying to eke every microgram of performance out of an application (it's slightly faster to do it this way than ...