Capture « Icon Image « Java Swing Q&A

1. java: creating image of your program

I am trying to create an image of one of my JPanels at a fixed resolution, or at a resolution that may be bigger than the current screen resolution. Consequently I ...

2. how capture the image which is similar to alt plus print screen?

Am trying the capture image quality and size similar to ALT + printscreen. Could anyone please help me out for the same? I tried the following code to capture:

dimScreenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit ().getScreenSize ...

3. Image capturing

hey folks, i grab an image saved in a file (.jpg) and show draw it on a JPanel in the JFrame. I use Tookit.getDeafaultToolkit().getImage("...") for it. Now, i make a loop which repaints the JPanel with the image once per 10 seconds. I thought that if I'd save another image with the same name in the upcoming repainting the new image ...