Transparent « Graphics « Java Swing Q&A

1. Swing transparency using JNI

I'm trying to create a simple Java application that displays a frame containing a JButton. I'm using JNI to add transparency to the window. The window is transparent but the button ...

2. Transparent Swing Windows

I have a little JWindow with a logo on it that users can drag stuff to. I develop my application mainly on OS X. To get a transparent window i use

setBackground(new Color(0,0,0,0));
On ...

3. Integrating an existing Java Swing component into a QT widget

We have two massive applications,lets name them "A_app" and "B_app". Both A_app and B_app come with rich editors. A_app's editor is written using Java-Swing and B_app's editor is written using ...

4. True Transparency in Swing

Is this possible to make aero frame in java swing application?

5. Java: Transparent Windows with non-transparent components?

I just met the utilities (com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities) to make your JFrame really transparent. Documentation here. This works very good. Even in Linux with the desktop effects with wobbly windows ...

6. Java Swing - Translucent Components causing Artifacts

I'm currently working on a group project for a college course, and I've hit a bit of a stumbling block. The program we have decided to implement is a Peer-to-Peer chat ...

7. Java Swing - Translucent Components

I recently asked a question about translucent components causing odd artifacts from seemingly not updating properly. The answer I received caused the artifacts to go away, but at the cost of ...

8. Java Swing transparency drawing issues

Edit: I submitted a bug for the below (it may take a a few days to become approved though): Some more details:

  • It works with Windows Sun JDK 1.6 versions 13 ...

9. Java efficient overlay over transparent components

I have a custom JComponent that performs come complicated painting. It is set to non-opaque so that the background of its parent shows through the parts it does not paint. I need ...

10. Is there a .NET GDI+ equivalent of Java Swing's SetComposite (for Graphics transparency)?

I was wondering if there is an equivalent to Swing's SetComposite on the .NET GDI+ Graphics object? In java I can do something like this:

Composite c = AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, .5f);
// everything now gets ...

11. Transparent with quaqua

I use the following code to view seperate frames.

public JDialog getDDisplay(String title, JPanel panel) {
    JFrame f = new JFrame(title + "::.");
    f.setTitle(title + "::.");

12. How to make a rectangle in Graphics in a transparent colour?

I'm trying to paint a rectangle on my application in a red shade but I need to make it sort of transparent so that the component under it will still show. ...

13. How can i make canvas Transparent

Nathan , The problem is, that i have a panel that contains five panels. and i want to label that parent panel so that its caption appears in the middle of that parent and above all those 5 panels, if i overrides the paint method of the parent panel and draw the title string it will hide behind those five panels. ...

14. Transparent Swing components?

15. Transparency

Sure, and it's not hard. Color objects have opacity as part of their properties. It's referred to in the documentation as the alpha value. Just create a Color object with an alpha value of 255, and the color of the object behind will show completely through. Note it is *not* possible to do this with an AWT Frame or other top-level ...

16. xor on transparency

17. How to make a JComponet transparent?

Just make the transparent color as Joe said above and set it as the background of the component... here's a demonstration... import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class TransparencyTest extends JFrame { public static void main( String[] arg ) { new TransparencyTest(); } public TransparencyTest() { super( "Play with the Transparent Panels" ); getContentPane().setLayout( null ); JPanel blue = new ...

18. Semi-transparent drawing

Take a look at the following example code... it should help you some... import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.MouseInputAdapter; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; public class Mask extends JFrame { private JLayeredPane background; public Mask() { super( "Mask" ); background = new JLayeredPane(); background.setLayout( null ); JLabel l = new JLabel( new BigIcon() ); l.setBounds( 0, 0, 300, 300 ); background.setLayer( l, 0 ); ...

19. transparent components..challenging task

Hi friends, in need a help... I want to use a jpanel which is transparent..... what exactly i need is i am adding some background image using jlabel and image icon... what i need is if i add a jpanel on that image i must see that image... as a bckground to any component.. bye for now

20. is it possible to set a swing application to b transparent?

is it possible to set the Java swing application's background to b transparent but the controls likes comboboxes, buttons, labels,... should b visible? only the controls should appear in the application not the appln's background. hence when i opened that swing-based java application the other applications running behind should b visible to the user other than the control's regions. means only ...

21. Partially transparent backgrounds ?

Hi I have a gui with a picture as background, and transparent labels. I want to set the background of the labels so that they are only partially transparent, so that my background is less obtrusive where I have text. As far as I can see a label can either be opaque or transparent and not some inbetween value. I tried ...

22. Specify RGB Transparency

Say I have an Image with a bgcolor RGB (0, 0, 255). How can I load this into an Image object specifying that the bgcolor is transparent and it display accordingly? BTW - I know I could save the image with transparency, but I would rather be able to specify the transparency at runtime. Thanks. [ July 31, 2004: Message edited ...

23. java.awt.Color & transparency

I've researched this topic for the past week and have not come upon anything close to a solution. I'm trying to build an overlay on top of a background image. Environment: Java 1.1 I can do this without any difficulty at all using J2 classes, but I have not found a way to achieve this in 1.1. The Color constructor taking ...

24. Glass panes -- transparent panes

Hi, I need to be able to draw and to insert small "icons" on top of an image. The background image will never be changed, but I need the ability to draw on it and to generate events. I was thinking if maybe there are any glass panes or transparent panels that can be placed on top of the image, and ...

25. transparency widgets in SWT/JFace

26. transparent windows?

27. how to make Canvas transparent ?

28. two object transparent

29. SWT Composite setBackgroundImage() doesn't support transparency?

Hi, I'm trying to do the following: A composite with background image contains a composite with a transparent background image which itself contains a label: composite with background image->composite with transparent background image->label The idea is, that the label inherits in first place the background of its parent composite, and in second place (where background is transparent) the background of the ...

30. Java Swing : how to make transparent

31. Can I implement a transparent eraser in Java GUI?

Hello Everybody. I'm working on a graphic editor prototype which requires the implementation of a background eraser. I built a layered structure with a layeredPane. the first layer contains a background image which remains untouched, the second layer is transparent and is used for the user defined graphics. So, I'd like to make users able to erode color on the second ...

32. Transparent components