Coordinate « Graphics « Java Swing Q&A

1. Swing draws on incorrect coordinates

I am building a simulator to assist in a project I am working on with some guys at Uni. I am animating what is essentially a football pitch with two "players" ...

2. Java JComponent - start painting from lower left corner?

I'm overriding the paintComponent method for a background in a JComponent and all is going well. However, I want to start painting from the lower left corner instead of the ...

3. Graphics coordinates problem

I've changed tact slightly (now using panels and layout managers), now the only problem I'm having is still the co-ordinate thing. Where my problem lies (I'm guessing) is getting the width of a component? I've been using the getSize() method, but I'm self-taught, so I don't know what the standard practice is. Any ideas?

4. drawing using real world coordinates

I'm providing a small example (using code tags): public class FunWithPaintComponent extends JFrame { public FunWithPaintComponent() { super( "Foo" ); setDefaultCloseOperation( DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE ); setLayout( new GridLayout( 0, 1 ) ); try { BufferedImage img = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( "image.png" ) ); add( new ImageContainer( img ) ); add( new ScaledImageContainer( img ) ); } catch ( IOException ex ) { // TODO ...

5. Printing GUI current Coordinates in the GUI

Hi All, I am currently learning about GUI's and have created one that has four JButtons (right,left,up,down),the component moves 10 px in the directiion of the button that is clicked. I would like to show the current coordinates in the GUI as it is moved with the buttons. How would i go about that? Which component or method can i use ...

6. How to draw a coordinate system

Exactly. javac.exe (on Windows) is just a frontend for a java class that is able to compile. You technically don't need a JDK for compiling code. Eclipse doesn't come with a JDK and doesn't need one. But it is extremely helpful - the JavaDocs, the source code, the demos. While you can setup those manually for the JRE it is much ...