client « GUI « Java Swing Q&A

1. Java Beginner: embeddable SQL clients with front end GUI,

I'm looking for Java SE embeddable sql clients with there GUI

2. How to get List of Client Printers

3. can client java do that....

4. how to moniter information on client system

That is a big subject! Maintaining session info. On http usually cookies, hidden form values or monitoring client ip address with db. Orrr, you could maintain a server socket for each client until the client disconnects if you are writing your own client server. Anyway, this is not a gui question so one of the sherifs will probably move this to ...

5. how could more than 1 user be listed having swing as the client

hello In my chat application made in java i have a package in which my servlets and swing classes reside when i execute them my login window opens When authentication is done a main window opens in which the currently online users name with the complete list of current online users gets displayed in the window My question is:: 1. Suppose ...

6. Launch Default Mail client

I am trying to launch the default mail client when the user clicks a button on my gui. I need the email to come up with a subject and the body filled with data. I tried this by using the following command: cmd /c start \"\" \"mailto:?subject=test&body=" + body + "\"" However this way I can not format my data (as ...

7. LDAP Swing Client


10. Java Client (Swing and AWT) is hanged up on Pentium-4 Machine

Hi, Java Client application is having Swing and AWT components.The client application is running on operating system windows-2000 Japanees, Pentium-3 machine with JRE 1.3.0 environment.It is working normally for past one year.The same application is installed on operating system windows-2000 Japanees,Pentium-4 processor with JRE 1.3.0. environment.The application is hanged up after working for few hours.The CPU usage on client machine is ...

11. Java remains under exploited at the Client side!! what u say??

I have recently moved to a new job , this new company has a product - Java web start Application.What i realise is that after working for many years at server side java , the real potential of java is not realised at all,the platform independence should be fully exploited at client side.Books, API,resources in general are less for development at ...

12. listing clients...

13. CLient Reg. Form

14. Help manipulating Swing default ButtonModel remotely. (NPE on the second client)

Hi Experts, I have problem implementing the easy scenario, my intent is to use swing default component's model, so i choose the swing `ButtonModel` for try, i create an instance of model on Server and to update the other models on Clients(local ButtonModel) implement RMI Callbacks.* The idea is to update the other local `ButtonModel` on clients, when some change happen ...

15. VNC Client

I want to write a VNC Client for RealVNC running in one of our servers. I found the TightVNC source code which is under GPL license. Do I need to write a fresh VNC Client or is there is any site available that gives us source code or even a libVNCClient that I can use with my proprietary application ? Do ...

16. Client and GUI concurrently ?????

hi everybody, i got a problem about gui and client. I have created a jframe and i want it to e client which connects to a server and gets the server's message. The problem is; when i created gui first, it starts to listen actions and client can't run, or if i run client class first, it starts to listen server ...