Widget « Focus « Java Swing Q&A

1. Issues on focus with composites and their child widgets    coderanch.com

Hi guys: I have been trying this for days and cannot figure out how I can achieve what I want. I have two composites, every one of them has a button inside. What I want to do is: when user switches from one button to another, I want to detect focus events concerning their parent composites, so I can can take ...

2. Focus Listner to org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.tablecombo.TableCombo    coderanch.com

I need to add focus listener for TableCombo (org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.tablecombo.TableCombo). Is there any special type of listener event for this TableCombo or can we use our swt focus listener (org.eclipse.swt.events.FocusListener). I have used swt foucs listener. But it doesn't work. Please find my code as follow. class MyFocusTest { TableCombo myCombo; //other variable declearation and TableCombo initialization goes on. org.eclipse.swt.events.FocusListener focuslistener = ...