1. FocusTraversalPolicy Tutorial coderanch.com |
2. NextFocusableComponent -> FocusTraversalPolicy coderanch.comHere's something to play around with - it just reverses the 'normal' tab order i.e. bottom to top, but you can make it anything you want, in keyPressed() Don't know if this is a 'reasonable' way to do it, or if there's any pitfalls doing it this way, so lots of testing required. import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.util.*; ... |
3. How disable FocusTraversalPolicy with JDK1.3 coderanch.com |
4. FocusTraversalPolicy in TabbedPane coderanch.com |
5. Help : Usage of FocusTraversalPolicy in 1.4.2_07 coderanch.com |
6. FocusTraversalPolicy in Swing java-forums.orgyea, I've looked at some of it and a few examples, I just can't seem to get a handle on the whole nesting issue. From what I've seen, with a JTable at least, once I am tabbing through it, when I get to the bottom, it goes back to the first row/column and starts traversing again. Also, I have panels inside ... |