trigger « Event « Java Swing Q&A

1. Swing won't trigger mouseEntered/mouseExited properly after mouse wheel events?

I have an issue where Swing (in Java 1.6, Windows) doesn't seem to trigger mouseEntered and mouseExited events the way I want it to. I have an application where I wish ...

2. get the class that triggered an event - Java

Is there a way in Swing in an ActionEvent handler to get a reference to the object, that triggered the event?

3. Java GUI is being created, but event is not triggering anything

I am trying to create this simple GUI where the number of clicks is displayed on the button and incremented after each click, and so that after each click, the colours ...

4. How can I trigger a click event on a Component using the Robot class?

I need to trigger a MouseEvent mouseClicked on a JLabel (or any other component for that matter). How do I do this? I tried it using the Robot class as follows:

try {

5. Keeping tracks of what object triggers a common event

I have a common event handler for a set of submenus, say something like 4 menus, and 4 submenus in each. What I want is to keep track of how ...

6. Triggering an AWT event

My exact problem is this. When a component is being dragged I need to validate it's position and if the position fails validation then I need to have the 'handle' on the component drop. (ie. A mouse released event). Meaning if the component is going to be dragged again the user would have to reclick on the component and drag it ...

7. How a event in a object can trigger an action in another object?

How a event in a object can trigger an action in another object? I created a GUI which has a Jtree inside and every time that one node in the tree is selected and right clicked a popup menu with 2 menuItems shows up. I created the popup menu as a separate class and added an ActionListener to each menuItem. Later ...

8. altering a GUI object without triggering the listener

In my program there are some GUI items (a JTable for example) which have Listener objects to listen for changes to the item's content when the content is changed by the program user. Then when the content is changed, it fires an event and that causes the program to update the content of the GUI by changing the content. However, of ...

10. programmaticly trigger an event