short cut « Event « Java Swing Q&A

1. Short-Cut Keys?

Excellent! It worked. I simply put this code into the jmenu initialization. jMenuFile.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_A); ex: jMenuFile.setText("File"); jMenuFile.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_F); Now, can anyone tell me how I could set shortcut keys onto buttons. Say I want to allow for a user to simply type Alt+O for a button on a panel, that loads a text file. I will also have this option in the Jmenu. ...

2. keyboard short cuts in java...

ok here is the deal, your questions are definitely good. i shall explain more... i am in a jdbtable implemented by a borland dataSet (that's only background information). if i highlight a bunch of rows and do ctrl-c it will copy the data and i can do a ctrl-v into excel or anyother application. now, our users are not very keyboard ...

3. Short cut keys

My problem is , i have TabbedPane in that have 3 panel, i want to select those pane with keys, no through mouse, how to do that, vat i have done is if(evt.getKeyCode()==evt.VK_1){ jPanel2.setFocusable(true); } if(evt.getKeyCode()==evt.VK_2){ jPanel3.setFocusable(true); } if(evt.getKeyCode()==evt.VK_3){ jPanel4.setFocusable(true); } this is not working, how to do that plz hepl me kalai