code « Event « Java Swing Q&A

1. Organizing Actions in a Swing Application?

My current application has a JFrame with about 15 actions stored as fields within the JFrame. Each of the actions is an anonymous class and some of them are pretty ...

2. How to duplicate event code inside duplicated Swing components in Netbeans?

I would like to have generic event code for each button. I tried duplicating a component containing code, but the duplicate event handler is empty. Is there a way to select all the buttons and paste the generic event code in for e.g. mouseClick events in Netbeans? Side question: Also having trouble deleting existing event handlers from multiple components. Deleting an ...

3. Listener code for keycode event

4. Resusing GUI code, different Events

Ok, I thought that while I tried to come up with ideas of my own, I could go ahead and get this bruing in your head... I have a dialog that has 3 JSliders..sliderX, sliderY, and sliderZ. These sliders are to manipulate an object on those axis. I also need to manipulate the camera on the same 3 axis so I ...

5. Correct this code for event handling.

Here's a demo in AWT. You mentioned swing which would be a little different. import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import*; public class ImageInAnApplet extends Applet { public void init() { CustomImagePanel imagePanel = new CustomImagePanel(); ScrollPane scrollPane = new ScrollPane(); scrollPane.add(imagePanel); ImagePointer pointer = imagePanel.pointer; setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add(scrollPane); add(pointer.getOutputPanel(), "South"); } public static void main(String[] args) { Applet applet ...

6. actionListener help w/sample code

7. 'Shuffling' GUI fx using Mouse Motion Event listener code

Dear Programmers, I wanted to code a program that would use a mouse motion cursor activated listener so that images on a GUI wouldn't just change once, but go through a sequence of changes for as long as the mouse is left upon a particular square or area of the GUI. I wanted to create a 'shuffling' of cards effect - ...

8. ActionListener code. Problem deciphering of

I am working through tutorial on event handling and got completely confused with the sample code. I understand the concept that a button eg gets an event from a user and then calls all its listeners' event handling method. Does a listener have a different handling method for each object it is listening to? The code below suggests it does but ...

9. How to reuse mouseClicked() in the same code to do diffrent tasks?

Hello EveryOne How can i reuse mouseClicked() in the same code to do diffrent tasks? This is my code: import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class ClickToMovePanel extends JPanel implements MouseListener { // This is the Diameter of the ball; private static final int Diam = 40; // Ball coords, Changed by mouse listeners, Used by paintComponent; private int Xball ...

10. MouseEntered & MouseExited code seems not to be working...Problem myself! :D

current listeners: this.addMouseListener(this); this.addKeyListener(this); this.addMouseMotionListener(this); current code snippet: public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { System.out.println("MouseEntered"); if ((ballX_pos != 175.00) && (ballY_pos != 100.00) && (ballLength != 5.00) && (ballHeight != 5.00)) { timer.start(); } } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { System.out.println("MouseExited"); if ((ballX_pos != 175.00) && (ballY_pos != 100.00) && (ballLength != 5.00) && (ballHeight != 5.00)) { timer.stop(); } } The ...

11. Zul GUI + java event/business logic code

Yes you can.By using the use attribute of window tab as follows You just override the function for Window onCreate() e.g. import org.zkoss.zul.*; public class MyClass extends Window { public void onCreate() { this.appendChild(new Textbox()); // to add new textbox in your window // Write your code here to add more components ...