Time « Event « Java Swing Q&A

1. Swing's KeyListener and multiple keys pressed at the same time    stackoverflow.com

is there any conventional way in swing of tracking down the events, when two keyboard keys are pressed at the same time? I have a couple of ideas e.g. remembering the key ...

2. jfreechart time series chart with events    stackoverflow.com

I am using jfreechart (specially ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart()). Is there a way to signal events like Google Finance charts, see the A, B, C etc on the right and in the chart.

3. Reg calculating system idle time    stackoverflow.com

Please help me on the below problem How to find out the System idle time, means to calcuclate the time the user keeps the system idle (ie without moving the mouse and ...

4. How to listen for when a component is shown for the first time    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to capture the very first moment when a component is show on the screen - without using 'dirty' solutions as with use of a timer. Basically I want to ...

5. Swing ignores first click after decreasing Windows time    stackoverflow.com

I have a Swing application that deals with date and time, so a lot of tests are done changing the system's date and time settings. During the tests, we noticed that after ...

6. Stop receiving all ActionEvents/Stop Listening in Java for a period of time?    stackoverflow.com

I have a simple program that utilizes Java Swing Timer to display an image for 400 miliseconds, in this period of time I just want to stop all ActionListeners or stop ...

7. why is java MouseListener returning the same values x and y values every time I click?    stackoverflow.com

I am creating a map editor, and where they click will be used to add a data point to the map.

    public MapEditor() throws HeadlessException, FileNotFoundException, XMLStreamException {

8. Help with events at load time    coderanch.com

9. One KeyEvent at a time    coderanch.com

10. time dependent events    coderanch.com

11. Perform one action at a time    java-forums.org

To the original poster, cross-posting can frustrate anyone who tries to help you only to find out later that the same answer was given hours ago in a cross-posted thread. No one likes wasting their time, especially a volunteer. The polite thing to do would be to not do this, but if you feel that you absolutely must, to at least ...