Component « Event « Java Swing Q&A

1. Problems with swing components and awt events

I seem to be having problems with my java gui code, and I have no idea why it's not working. What needs to happen is when the mouse is clicked on the ...

2. How to find out the instance when component resize is complete

In my application I fetch data if component is resized. I want to delay the fetch till user completes resize operation. ComponentListner event componentResized fires every time the window is resized. ...

3. Swing's component events

How can I find what event a JComponent can send? From JDK documentation is not so clear to find all the event an object sands. For example a JButton send an ActionEvent ...

4. Java KeyEvents for a KeyPad component

I'm writing a Java application that will have an on-screen number pad available for touch-input. Normal key input will also be available, but I'd like the keypad there for tablets and ...

5. I can't draw on a mouselistener component

I can't post any code right now, since the computer I'm programming on has no internet connection, and I absolutely refuse to write it out on this phone. Basically, I have a ...

6. Java; Component.enableEvents ( ... ) does not work?

Recently, I discovered the Component.enableEvents ( ... ) method. The way that I would imagine that it would work would be Component.enableEvents ( MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED ) would only alert me if that ...

7. Best practise for GUI Components ActionListener?

I did a big GUI Based App and I have now many many Action stuff around there... I have different Listeneres, like ActionListener, KeyAdapters, ... Everything should run threaded, so my GUI ...

8. Want javax.swing hook that tells me WHICH component in the hierarchy is executing an action

How with minimum code uglification can I write a debugging hook in a Swing program that would tell me which component in the hierarchy is actually handling each KeyStroke or mouse ...

9. Java: define unit component for mouse events

I want to have a JPanel called mainPanel and add several components on it; Also I defined a mouseAdapter and added to my mainPanel that overrides mouseEntered and mouseExited to for ...

10. MouseMotionListener in Java Swing, using it with components inside components etc

I am working on a Touch User interface in Swing. While I know this isn't optimal, I am on a short deadline and don't have time to Touch-screen specific GUI packages ...

11. How to build click through components in Java swing?

I have built a custom component that shows only a line. The line is drawn from the top left corner to the bottom right corner as a Line2D at the paint ...

12. In Swing, how to apply KeyListener on no specific component

Generally we apply the Key Listener on specific components like text field, password fields, etc. But I would like to generalize this listener behavior to be applicable to all.

13. Best Practice using reusable Actions on GUI Components

I tried differend things on how to make Actions resuable in my Swing applications. I am not a friend on heavy-weight, 1000+ line classes (with lots of inner/anon classes) and try ...

14. how to get notification of mouse going out of components in Java

I am working in application in which i want notification if the mouse has gone out of the JPanel (let's say one of the components) how can this be done ? ...

15. Creating a Key Event on a Component

Hi Jeff, You are in luck! I was trying to figure this out for about 2 months. I just created a class that can be used to fake any AWT event! Without further ado: class FakeEvent { public static void fakeActionPerformed( Component c ) { ActionEvent ae = new ActionEvent( c, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, "" ); fakeExecute( ae ); } public static void ...

16. Components vs. Events to custom IO class

Hi All, This is a long post so pass a few paragraphs to find the meat or move on I have been tortured in by having my libraries pulled out from under my feet since 1984. Apple coding, Amiga coding, Microsoft WinG, DirectX, Java 1.1 awt, Swing, JFC... I'm very reluctant to learn a new encyclopedia of knowledge about a language ...

17. Mouse Listener on Component

18. Setting action for components - Urgent

19. Translating events of the components

Hi, Using Graphics2D when I rotate my component I want the event associated with the component also to move along with the coordinates of the component. In Event class there is one method translate(int x, int y) can anyone tell me how to implement this method in my program. A simple example will be of great use. regards

20. Events from sub components

I was hoping you could help me out with a GUI design issue. I'm creating an image viewer using the Java Advanced Imaging API, and I want to make my components flexible enough to be able to do any of the following combinations: Components: JaiPane extends JPanel (gets passed a vector of files) JaiBar extends JToolBar (contains button that opens filechooser, ...

22. Mapping keys in Text Component

23. how to get the instance of class that includes the component which activats action ev

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class MyOne extends JFrame { MyListener oblistener; JLabel mylabel; JButton addbtn; public MyOne() { oblistener = new MyListener(this); // pass a reference to this class addbtn=new JButton("add"); addbtn.addActionListener(oblistener); getContentPane().add(addbtn); pack(); setVisible(true); } public static void main(String[] args) { new MyOne(); } } /** * the above is a main class,how to get the instance ...

24. How to share the same events for multiple components?

Hi, I have a tabbed pane with three tabs. Each tab contains the same components. For eg Tab 1 contains the following one Label - Login ID one Text field - Login ID field one button - Login one text area - Generate some data two buttons - Clear and Exit. I have written one method createPage() and it will place ...

25. attaching same listener to multiple components

Is there any reason not to attach one listener to multiple GUI components? For example, I'm working on a form with a Modify button in it. I have an action listener that will trigger when a component is changed. Can I attach this listener to every component in the GUI? Or do I need to use separate ones for each one? ...

26. keylistener in a custom component

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class KeyBindingTest { private JPanel getContent() { JPanel labelPanel = getLabelPanel(); JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout()); GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc.weightx = 1.0; gbc.weighty = 1.0; gbc.gridwidth = gbc.RELATIVE; panel.add(new JButton("Button"), gbc); gbc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; panel.add(new JTextField(8), gbc); gbc.gridwidth = 2; gbc.insets = new Insets(5,10,5,10); gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; panel.add(labelPanel, gbc); return panel; ...

27. Mouse events on transparent Swing components

Hi, I have recently written a program in which I've got my JButtons set to transparent (using setOpaque(false)) - but I've noticed that the mouse events seem to work slightly differently when displaying buttons this way. It seems that with transparent components, events like MouseMoved, MouseEntered, etc, only fire when the mouse is placed directly over the *text* on the button ...

28. How do i set action for taskpane component

i made a test clas using swingx component. what i'm gonna do is i divide frame into two part leftpanel and centerpanel using jxtitledpanel. i made two link text in leftpanel so when i click, it suppose show some gui on centerpanel. in sample i use jxlabel to mention it. but when i set actionPerformed for the link(jxtaskpane) there's nothing change ...

29. Using one "actionPerformed" by class or one by component ?

It depends. Usually there are four ways you can do it. 1) Have the class implement action listener. This is not really a good idea. In complex UIs you typically have multiple action sources. In the action performed you end up with multiple statements checking for the action source. 2) Have anonymous an inner class like your code. 3) Have the ...

31. Component event ordering

Hy , Basically i get 2 JComponents of the same type with the same MouseMotionListeners but different sizes. (one 15/15 rectangle , other 300/300 per say) These 2 can be on top each other. But if the small one is inside the big one it doesn't get the mouse events destined for him , instead they are grabbed by the big ...

32. Connecting engine actions with swing components

Hi, I'm developing a simple app and I'm stuck on this one. I have some server, multi-threaded app, where a central engine processes tasks from a synchronized queue (java.utils.LinkedList). I would like to do something like: whenever engine pops or pushes something inside the queue, i need to fire som action and catch it somewhere inside swing, to update actuall size ...

34. Swing unregister listeners on disposing Components

I'm currently writing a program where the view changes a lot and I therefore create and dispose swing components such as JLists, JTables. But how do I unregister these components automatically created listeners when i dispose of them so they no longer is referenced from my model and therefore can be garbage collected. JList e.g. registers itself as a listener on ...