Capture « Event « Java Swing Q&A

1. Java - Capture KeyEvent responsively on startup?

This is an exploratory question to determine if I should dedicate time to an implementation, if it's a "cost-effective" path. I freely admit I haven't attempted to implement this myself ...

2. is it possible to capture all events?

In my application i have JFrame which contains different panels with other panels on it. these panels contain buttons, text fields, combo boxes, tables and other swing componets. this frame contains scrollpanes,panels etc. i want to track all the events happening on this application in one place. is there any way i can capture all the events occured in buttons, tables, ...

4. Capturing 'far' events

5. Capturing the X & Y values in a mousemoved event

Hi I've designed a JChart(Line chart) and defined a mousemoved event for the chart. I need to capture the X & Y values of the chart in the mousemoved event. Right now, I'm able to get the X & Y values of the actual container, but not the chart X & Y values. How do I do this ?!! Secondly, How ...

6. Capturing Events of Signature Pad

7. How to capture the delete key?

Hi All, I m creating an TextEditor having the track changes feature as in MSWord 2003 ie whenever i make ne changes in the document the changes r highlighted with different color.... also whenever i delete some words it shud be displayed as striked out... this is working for backspace key but not for the delete key... if have used ke.consume() ...

8. Capturing events help

Im building a visual component where the user can drag node(s) from a palette to a main panel. These nodes can be connected to one another with links that one can create by gliding over the node and dragging it to the node that it needs to be connected to. My problem now is how do I determine which way the ...

9. how to capture Mouse movement ??

10. How to capture left parentheisis event...

Hi All, currently i am using JTextpane.In Key event now i am capturing shift_enter , control + W , by following code...actually i need key suppress here.. KeyStrokectrl_Wkeystroke=KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_W,ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK,false);//Falsesuppresses the tab keyrelease event.. textPane.getInputMap().put(ctrl_Wkeystroke, "ctrl_W_Pressed"); ControlWPressedAction ctrlWAction =new ControlWPressedAction(this,script,this.textPane); textPane.getActionMap().put("ctrl_W_Pressed", ctrlWAction); Like that i wants to capture "(" this key and i really want to suppress the actual key event i want ...