ActionEvent « Event « Java Swing Q&A

1. Creating ActionEvent object for CustomButton in Java

For a hw assignment, we were supposed to create a custom button to get familiar with swing and responding to events. We were also to make this button an event ...

2. Java Swing Timers and ActionEvent

I have timer keep running every 1 second. So right now i have set a variable to show message(msg) every 10sec. There is button(btn) on msg itself which will show another message(msg2). So right ...

3. Troubles with Swing Timer and ActionEvents

I'm trying to get a JLabel to display the date and update every second. To do this I'm using Swing's Timer class and implementing my own class called DateTimer. DateTimer is ...

4. Java: wait for ActionEvent

I want to make a method wait until an ActionEvent method has processed before continuing. Example:

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {

    someBoolean = false;

the actionPerformed method is linked to a ...

5. How to use consume( ) in ActionEvent

6. Cant Caprute ActionEvent?

7. Translation of a WindowEvent to ActionEvent

Hello, I did read this article but I'm not sure that it meets my requirement. This details a 'one to many' relationship - i.e. a producer fires an event that is consumed by 'n' comsumers. My situation is that there are two different producers and I want events from both to be received and processed by a single consumer - ' ...

8. Can I create a ActionEvent to force the event happen?

1) Yes, you can create the arguments and call the actionPerformed method to simulate an event. 2) Don't. Make actionPerformed call a meaningful method to do the real work, then call the same method instead of simulating the event. Now you have a nice method with a name that tells you what's really going on, and can be used with or ...

9. !! Actionevent has mind of own

10. how do i generate an ActionEvent ?

11. getWhen() of ActionEvent

public static long currentTimeMillis() Returns the current time in milliseconds. Note that while the unit of time of the return value is a millisecond, the granularity of the value depends on the underlying operating system and may be larger. For example, many operating systems measure time in units of tens of milliseconds. See the description of the class Date for a ...

13. actionEvent problems

import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class VenstrePan extends JPanel{ JLabel nr, forn,ettn,sOk; public VenstrePan() { nr = new JLabel("StudNr :"); forn = new JLabel("Fornavn :"); ettn = new JLabel("Etternavn :"); sOk = new JLabel("Sk etter:"); add(nr); add(forn); add(ettn); add(sOk); setLayout(new GridLayout(4,1)); } public JLabel getNr() { return nr;} public JLabel getFornavn() { return forn;} public JLabel getEtternavn() { return ettn;} public ...

14. ActionEvent

Hi everyone, I shouldn't have used the keyword "throw" here. I used it on a general term. Sorry, guys. Anyway, I just am at a loss how I could figure out that the word "comboBoxChanged" is a default value without printing the value of getActionCommand(). How would I know that, in this instance, not to use setActionCommand()? So, I'll just repeat ...

15. ActionEvents/Swing Problem.

Howdy all, I have a Swing mockup for a program in which I have created all relevant sections of the application as separate objects. So I have a SearchPanel object, in which the client types in a number and hits the search button, or the update button to update the database. Another object is the PatientData object, which merely displays all ...

16. problem with actionevent

17. problem with actionEvent command

18. Executing ActionEvent after a ChangeEvent

Hi Michel, Base class contains an editor. On change event of this editor, i am trying to populate some value to another editor. A class that extends this base class contains the button. Now, if the user enters a value on the editor and clicks the button, i need to populate another editor as well as execute the button click event. ...

20. Actionevent

So you are the client and you are trying to find which button on a supplier's application was clicked? Or are you the supplier and you want to know which of your buttons was clicked? Actually my opinion is that it you don't need to know which button was clicked at all. You add an action listener to each button, and ...

21. ActionEvent doubt

22. Processing different ActionEvents in actionPerformed()

Hi all, What are good ways to program different event actions? I am creating my first GUI and there are several action events that can occur in my GUI. Right now I'm using ActionEvent.getSource() and an if block to differentiate between the events and process them accordingly. I imagine there is a better way to handle the different events that can ...

23. Referencing swing components from ActionEvent

I am going to paste my code below and realize that it is subject to many, many improvements, corrections, suggestions, etc, all of which I will appreciate. I'm trying my best to learn swing. I have a frame with two panels; first panel has a textbox which user enters a value into. Second panel has the 'GO' button to perform the ...

24. [SOLVED] ActionEvent.setSource() is failing in Swing while working in AWT

public class JPUser extends JFrame implements ActionListener { private JButton ok = new JButton("OK"); private JPad swPad = new JPad(); private Pad awtPad = new Pad(); public JPUser() { super("Test"); setLayout(new FlowLayout()); add(ok); add(swPad); add(awtPad); ok.addActionListener(this); swPad.addActionListener(this); awtPad.addActionListener(this); setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); pack(); setVisible(true); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //System.out.println(e.getSource()); if(e.getSource() == swPad) System.out.println("Swing Pad -- OK"); //[COLOR="Red"] I never see this line[/COLOR] ...

25. ActionEvent problem when combined with becker robots

I have created a class (MapBuilder) whose object loads a map from a txt file that has been saved using a UI that is a class (MazeEditor) I also made. MapBuilder, therefore, creates a City object from the becker.robots class. It translates the visual information from MazeEditor into information on a txt file that can be used to create a city ...

26. Call paint method from another class using actionevent

Hello! i just want to ask how to call paint() method from another class to draw different shapes when a certain button is clicked in the same frame. class Shapes extends JFrame implements ActionListener //components Jpanel pane=new JPanel(); public Shapes(){ pane.setLayout(null); //add components setContentPane(pane); } public static void main(String[]args){ new Shapes ...... } public actionPerforemd(ActionEvent e){ if(e.getSource==btnRect){ drawRect oRect=new drawRect(); oRect.repaint() ...

27. Need help with ActionEvent/ItemEvent

I am trying to call the displayJButtonActionPerformed(evt) from 8 different JCheckBox methods similar to the one I posted below. I want to do this because it is more efficient and will cut down on some code. I have used this in the past but now that I am using an Actionevent and and ItemEvent I am getting an error when using ...

28. Separate actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) from my GUI code?

Hi, dear or dear, don't know whats with me today. I'm trying to display simple examples to my problem and I keep confusing it with actual code. Sorry again. I'll try to keep it as simple as possible. Btw yes it is an button array but button will do . Ok I have done that and it seems to work. However, ...

29. Question about SWING and ActionEvent Object.

When using a graphical component like a JButton, one typically adds an ActionListener Object to that button using the addActionListener method, in order for a click/appropriate action to execute desired Java code. One's desired code is within one's own ActionListener Object, which implements an appropriate interface and the equivalent of that interface's actionPerformed method. -How does one program one's own ActionEvent ...