Size « Dialog « Java Swing Q&A

1. Why is getPreferredSize() returning a size that is too small for this JDialog?

In our product, we have frames that are basically three inheritance levels down from what is essentially a JDialog. This frame overrides the default pack() method as shown:

public void pack() ...

2. how to dynamically increase JDialog size in swing?

I have a JDialog and inside it am having a JLabel in which the contents are added dynamically. Initially I set the size of the JDialog and JLabel(both having same size), ...

3. Setting the maximum size of a JDialog?

The short version: do I need to do something tricky to get JDialog's setMaximumSize() to work? The full version: I've got a JDialog (layout manager: BorderLayout) which contains a scroll pane ...

4. Font size of JDialog title

How do I set the font size of the title of a JDialog. I'm displaying JDialogs on extremely high resolution monitors (5 mega pixels), and the dialog titles are not ...

5. How to make a resizable JDialog?

I'm using JOptionPane.showOptionDialog to show a JDialog. I would like to know how:

  1. set the dimension of the dialog (for now I'm using setPreferredSize() method on the given panel but I know ...

6. JDialog does not open to it's set size?

Why when I launch my JDialog it pops up in a shrunken manner! I would have to resize it to see its contents and some of the contents like the ...

7. JDialog size inconsistant with GUI designer

I have a JDialog that has three resizable JPanels in it. I have everything set/sized fine in the GUI designer. The JDialog is not resiszable. When I preview or run the ...

8. JFrame remembers size of JDialog.

Hello, I use JFrame as main frame of my application. When clicked on some button, it shows JDialog. Everything works fine. But when I restart my app, the main frame (JFrame) ...

9. JDialog save size/position?

I seem to have missed something that has to be simple. I have a new app built in NetBeans using the app framework. One of the buttons in that app brings ...

10. Dialogs lose focus when minimizing and restoring the application

Hi, I have a problem as below: Dialog(s) lose focus when minimizing and restoring the application and therefore fall behind the main application window. The user is required to find and close the dialog(s) before continuing with any other operation. This occures when the user clicks the Show Desktop icon in the task bar. Restore the application by clicking on the ...

11. JDialog sizing

13. setting the size of 'JDialog' problem

14. fixed size jDialog

i am using netbeans 4 to build guis ...and i want to fix the size of my dialog ..cuz when i run it it opens to a SMALL window..that needs to be draged to resize it ,,,can u please help me how to fix the size of my dialog ..or open with a propper size?

15. font size and JDialog box

> i've being trying to implement the action event of the code below here's your code, with the actionListener added. You mentioned something about a JDialog, I can't work out what you're trying to do with that. run the code, type something into the textArea, select a 'size' from the comboBox, and the text will change size (unless you initially select ...

16. Can I change the size of a Dialog?

Can I change the size of a Dialog (a modal dialog, like the those created by JOptionPanes)? What I actually want to do is to have two textfields and a checkbox in the dialog. When you uncheck the checkbox, one of the two textfields hide itself. Thus the size of the Dialog should adapt (i.e., become smaller). Thank you!

17. problem while using Dialog.setResizable(true).

Hi All, I am using applets1.1. While invoking a dialog from panel, The dialog is opens with the Parent header(On title bar) Icon. But If I put dialog.setResizable(false); The Icon is not displaying on the dialog header(On title bar). If I am not using setResizable(false) and using setResizable(true), Its working fine. My requirement needs the Icon should be retain on the ...

18. Minimum size on JDialogs?

19. Minimum size of JDialog

Hello, I have been making JDialogs to display options and was wondering is there a way to set a minimum size for the window so that the user can change it so as to make it bigger and smaller but locks out at a smaller size so it cant go past a set size.

22. screen size in jdialog

24. Having difficulty sizing a viewport to fit inside a JDialog...any suggestions?

final JDialog d = new JDialog(); final JRefreshTable alarmsPopupTable = new JRefreshTable(); d.setTitle("Alarms Popup");//5.02A-001-raj d.setSize(500,450); final JPanel popup = new JPanel(); JScrollPane infoScrollPane = new JScrollPane(); infoScrollPane.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); infoScrollPane.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); infoScrollPane.setViewportView(alarmsPopupTable); popup.add(infoScrollPane); JButton printButton = new JButton("Print"); printButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {}); popup.add(printButton); JButton closeButton = new JButton("Close"); closeButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {}); popup.add(closeButton, BorderLayout.PAGE_END); popup.validate(); popup.setBackground(Color.GRAY); d.setLocation(10, 10); d.add(popup); d.setVisible(true);

25. how to increase font size of text that user types in dialog box?

I'm using the following code to open a dialog box and prompt the user to enter a numerical value: import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.plaf.FontUIResource; UIManager.put("OptionPane.messageFont", new FontUIResource( new Font("Verdana", Font.BOLD, 20) ) ); String response = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Please enter a container type name or number: ", "Container Type", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); This works, but the text that the user enters is displayed in an ...

26. Problem to automatically adjust JDialog size