Save dialog « Dialog « Java Swing Q&A

1. How to implement "Saving..." dialog box in Java?

I want to pop up a dialog box that says "Saving..." and once the operation is completed, it simply disappears. While the saving is in progress, I dont want the user ...

2. Swing save dialog

I assume you saw methods like setApproveButtonText() and setDialogTitle(). Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be one for the "Look in" label. It appears that this is part of the metal look and feel. There's probably an easy way to do this, but I haven't found it yet, so I'll just share what I've learned so far: I'd download a copy of ...

4. Save dialog box

5. Save as dialog box question

6. save dialog problem

hi I have a JFIleChooser.showSaveDialog() where I have used setSelectedFile to set a default filename. However, my problem is that when the user selects a subdirectory of the directory the filechooser opened in, then the default filename I set is replaced by the name of the directory the user double-clicked on to open. How can I get the file name I ...