Modal « Dialog « Java Swing Q&A

1. Modal dialogs in IE gets hidden behind IE if user clicks on IE pane

I have to write an applet that brings up a password dialog. The problem is that dialog is set to be always on top but when user clicks on IE window ...

2. Swing app global modal

Simple question: Can a swing frame be completely modal ( block all others windows ) ? I tried the following, but I can still click on other apps windows ( like this browser ...

3. Swing JDialog slow when running remotely

I have experienced performance problems for JDialogs while running my GUI remotely over X11. Does anyone know a workaround? The GUI is fast when I run it on my local machine, but ...

4. Troubleshooting: JDialog which is modal and yet not modal?

Stumped by this, but maybe, just maybe, someone has had this problem before and can point me in the right direction... I have a JDialog for displaying the progress of a long-running ...

5. Modal JDialog on Mac OSX freezes?

I have a modal JDialog pop up to get some user input in my app. I start a new thread and put setVisible to true after the JDialog is constructed. I ...

6. JMenuItem accelerator not working after showing two non-modal JDialogs? (Mac only?)

I have the problem that the accelerators of JMenuItems aren't working anymore after showing two JDialogs directly after one another. Please take a look at this small example that reproduces the problem:

import ...

7. JDialog with minimize button

Is it possible to have a minimize and maximize button for a non-modal(modal=false) JDialog.I know JFrame is the ideal solution for this but this change has to be made in ...

8. swing: JPanel vs. modal/modeless dialog?

I want to implement some functionality in a library and make it available as a GUI building block for my applications. I think I would like to implement it as something ...

9. How to add a WindowListener to an external event

This is my code I have developed. This is the main program which holds and executes each external JFrame for my Game. chooseGender is an external program which is nothing but ...

10. Creating a custom modal dialog for a Swing applet / application

I'm writing a Swing application that needs to function either as an applet in a browser or as a standalone application, i.e. it may be contained in either a JFrame or ...

11. wait for a jdialog in non-modal mode

I have a JFrame and when the user presses a button is displayed an input jdialog. I need the jdialog to be in non-modal mode and once the user presses ok, ...

12. Rendering Problem with Swing App and Modal Dialogs

I have a Java/Swing desktop application (Java 6u16 on Windows XP) which occasionally appears to the users to hang. I say appears to because in reality what is happening is that ...

13. Is there a simple way to know if a modal dialog is currently displayed?

Is there one method in AWT or Swing to either tell me if there's a modal window (or multiple) up, or to return an array of them? I looked in Window, ...

14. Non-blocking modal Swing progress dialog

A daft question, but I really cannot get this to work: I have some long-running process in a Swing application which may take several minutes. I want to display a progress ...

15. JDialog: How to disable the ESC key of my Modal dialog?

So there's a frame (main app). From here, I open a Modal JDialog and start a background thread working whilst displaying progress (log entries) in a table. This process is critical ...

16. How to make a modal JDialog execute code immediately upon being shown

Ok, I have a list of objects. I need to show a Modal JDialog and then pass it this list of objects and have it act on them. The ...

17. JDialog modal problem java gui

I have this code which runs without any errors but it isn't running the way I planned. I'm trying to figure out why my "Continue" button is not being displayed when ...

18. Java Dialog setModal

Related to my previous question Java Project - how to freeze Frame, Is it possible to darken the color of the main screen (make EVERYTHING gray or black and white) to ...

19. Java - Advanced modal dialog

I would like to create a modal input dialog with some textboxex/labels. It's supposed to something like "Add client dialog" with name, surname, etc.. I've been searching the net for almost an ...

20. Modal dialog hide behind Main Frame after swich focus

I have a swing application, basically, a main frame that could pop up a modal dialog. When the modal dialog is showing, if I switch to another window, like firefox. And then ...

21. Modal JDialog disappearing behind parent on solaris CDE

My code contains a JFrame which after a certain action, shows a non-modal JDialog. The user is expected to drag an object from the JFrame into the JDialog. The issue I'm ...

22. Java Fullscreen Modal Dialogs

How does one create a custom modal JDialog that can be used as an internal dialog? For use in FullscreenExclusiveMode. I have a JScrollPane (with a huge scrollbar) full of huge buttons ...

23. Iconified JFrame showing behind modal JDialog on win 7 taskbar click

I originally developed the following code on Win XP. When you click the program icon in the XP taskbar, the parent frame remains iconified and the JDialog returns to focus, ...

24. activate JFrame when opened from modal JDialog

I need to launch a JDialog from parent JFrame and make to modal. from JDialog I need to view another JFrame (sub frame) and access it. but once we have modal ...

25. Showing SWT modal dialog from AWT/Swing

Using Albireo, it's easy to see how to show a Swing dialog from SWT:

private AwtEnvironment awtEnv = AwtEnvironment.getInstance(Display.getCurrent);

// call from SWT thread
void showSwingMessageDialog(String msg) {
    awtEnv.invokeAndBlockSwt(new Runnable() ...

26. How do I make non-modal dialog whose setVisible blocks?

In a Swing (J)Dialog, setModal sets the modality - that is, whether the dialog should block input to other windows or not. Then, setVisible docs say for ...

27. can I make JDialog to be modal using native system window as a parent?

I have a JDialog window. I need to make it modal, but the parent is not Java window, but native Windows OS window. Is it possible?

28. How to create a OS X native-looking modal dialog using Swing or AWT

I tried using JOptionPane.showMessageDialog and an AWT Dialog but both just show a dialog window. I want the dialog to look like that of a cocoa app - sliding out from ...

29. Swing rendering problem of busy cursors when using modal dialogs on Linux

When setting a busy cursor on the glass pane of the application frame after closing a modal dialog, the busy cursor is not always displayed. Sometimes it works (the first time ...

30. Switching focus between multiple modal dialogs

is it possible to switch the focus between two modal dialogs? That is, one dialog has the focus and is interactive and I switch the focus/interactivity to the other dialog. Here's ...

31. Java 5 - Bring Modal Dialog to Front on any click

Setting: Java 5 - no upgrade possible. I have a large application that has a number of modal dialog windows. I have heard that hidden modal dialogs can result in uninformed ...

32. Why does this JDialog flicker in Win7 when modal?

In Windows 7, and Java 1.7 (or if 1.6, comment-out the two lines indicated), create a NetBeans/Eclipse project named "test" with two classes, Test and DroppableFrame, and paste this code into ...

33. dismiss modal JDialog

34. creating Modal Dialog box.(urgent)

Sorry paul u misunderstood my question.My intention is not to restrict the user but to inform the user,i.e attract the user over my application.Moreover I didn't mean to make my application modal,reather just a dialog box.My problem is when a confirmation box appears behind any other application it is left un-noticed until all the current windows are minimized.for eg. my application ...

35. multiple modal dialogs

Hi, Is it possible to have more than 1 modal dialog for different JFrames. I have to pop up a modal dialog on click of a button ( which is on a JFrame), that part is easy but tricky part is, there could be cases where I have multiple instance of JFrames visible on screen but since a Modal Dialog is ...

36. modal JDialog not responding to jbutton actionlistener?

Am i missing something here? i dont understand why it works in nonmodal,but not modal. import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; public class SearchFrame extends JDialog { private String origin; private String destination; private Container contentPane; private JLabel originLabel; private JLabel destinationLabel; private JButton okButton; private JButton cancelButton; private JTextField originField; private JTextField destinationField; public ...

37. Multiple Modal Dialog's

Hi everyone, it may be simple to you, but I have the following problem. I have a modal java.awt.Dialog. After a specified amount of time it creates another modal java.awt.Dialog, using a Thread. Both Dialogs have a refference to the same parent (Frame). Some time later, the second Dialog dissappears automatically, and again after some time it pops up again. The ...

38. Modal dialogs

Hello, I have created a large modal dialog from a JApplet. From this dialog, I want to pop-up another modal dialog to ask the user a question for filling in some data. However, when I pop-up the second dialog it does not respond to ANY user input except closing it from the X button. Summary: I have a modal dialog displayed ...

39. Modal dialog box and request focus

I have a modal dialog box.When ever I make the dialog box visible I need to request the focus for a particular button. below is the description of how I tried to achieve the functionality I can request the focus by calling requestFocus method.We should request the focus only when the component is visible i.e only after i make the dialog ...

40. Serious Problem with JDialog NOT A MODAL for ...

Dear Developers, we are having a serious problem , in using the swings . We are using the JDialog a container for the screens in our application , application is using DB2 in the backend. So the problem is every application has several FORM screen where user has to add,Edit and delete the data, so there are many heavy Manipulation and ...

41. JDialog &Modal.

well thanks for the help bud..of course I read the API though! thats what I'm confused about. in the creation of the frame, i have the line: setModal(true); ..this locks up the parent frame..but you can still hide the modal dialog box.... when you click outside on the main application, this dialog still disappears behind the main application, and you have ...

42. JDialog [setModal(boolean modal)]

43. Modal/Modeless Dialogs

How do I achieve the following effect: From my "tool box" dialog window, I can couble click and start one of several "tools". Several tools will be active at the same time. Each tool is implemented as a main dialog box. It is possible to launch new dialogs from the main dialog boxes of each tool. I need to have the ...

44. Cant we create a modal dialog using JPanel?

Yeah, um do the whole ancestor thing. The dialog just wants to know what window/frame/whatever is it's parent so if the parent is closed, the JVM can take care of destroying all of it's child windows too. Heck, you could probably just pass a null value to the constructor and everything will be hunky-dory if it's modal and you don't have ...

45. create a JDialog that is modal?

hi there, Your dialog is no doubt a modal dialog since you have chosen as true, but there is no parent(owner) on which the dialog should act as a modal dialog. Give a proper parent(current owner) reference instead of null on which the dialog is popped up. Hope this helps. Thanks, SAi.

46. Modal Dialog

47. non-modal dialogs

I have some modal dialogs (created using JOptionPane.showXXXDialog methods) that I need to replace with non-modal dialogs. The dialog is already running in a separate thread (it is kicked off by an asynchronous event) but I need the user to have access to other parts of the GUI. On the other hand, since the dialog is to be presented in response ...

49. Problem with a modal dialog

Sorry, I forgot to say that the JFrame is always on top so that the user knows that she has to unlock the application. The problem is that the dialog is modal and it is the only part of the application that accepts events. That is what modal dialogs are supposed to do and perhaps the answer is that I have ...

50. JDialog - odd modal behavior

51. Hiding modal dialog

53. Launching a modal Dialog at app startup through invokeLater() or not?

I am writing a Swing application that connects to a server-based system. At the startup of this application, it needs to prompt the user for a hostname/port pair so that it can connect to the specified server. While I understand a little bit about the EDT and making GUI operations and manipulations through the invokeLater() helper method, I am a bit ...

54. Modal JDialog

55. SwingWorker and Modal JDialogs

Here's my extended dialog: import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JProgressBar; import net.miginfocom.swing.MigLayout; import org.jdesktop.swingworker.SwingWorker; public class BusyDialog extends JDialog { private JButton cancelB; private JProgressBar progressB; private SwingWorker task; public JLabel label; public BusyDialog(JFrame relativeTo, String title, String heading, boolean modal, TestTask task){ super(relativeTo, title, modal); setLayout(new MigLayout("insets 10")); label = new JLabel(heading); cancelB = new JButton("Cancel"); ...

56. Modal dialog issue

> But, if I don't call JDialog.setVisible(true) immediately after launching the background thread, > the GUI won't be blocked and the following code will be executed. put "the following code" into a separate method, and call it from the separate thread (when it's finished), but call it via the EDT - SwingUtilities.invokeLater(..)

58. Eclipse RCP, SWT, JFace: How to create a dialog that is modal only to a view (not the entire shell)?

Hi there, Is there anyway to create a dialog that is modal to a view and not the entire shell (application)? So if say, I have one view called A that is overlaying another view called B, I want to open a dialog that is only modal to view A, so when I switch to view B, the dialog and the ...

60. Can anyone help me with Modal JDialog Box?

That sounds great and I wanted to do like that, but had no idea how to do it I would like that, but the thing is I couldn't do that I am using netbeans, and Desktop Application. some codes are generated and I couldn't edit it if you got any idea how to do it. I would apriciate if you could ...

61. communication between parent window and modal dialog box

Hi, This is probably a stupid question, but after all, it's a beginner's forum So, i' programming an application which allows to choose a text file (with a specific content) and transforms it into a XML File. I also want to display, after the file has been selected, a modal dialog box which shows the advancement of the process. Here are ...

62. Application Modal JDialog is blocking its child JDialog

I've looked around and can't find any answer to this question. I have an application with a series of JDialog objects. These are created and managed individually and one of them, on the click of a button, needs to open up a child JDialog which in turn asks the user for some data, etc. The parent is Application Modal and so ...

63. Modal dialog problem with JApplet

I've checked a bit, and Internet Explorer 9 and Google Chrome only make dialogs modal for the current tab. Other tabs will not be blocked by a modal dialog. I think the reason is that, at least with Google Chrome, each tab has its own process. I think IE9 uses the same technique. You can't work around that. Firefox only has ...

64. How to position a modal dialog box at the center of the screen?

Java Code: import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.swing.*; public class TestMyDialog { private static final String IMAGE_PATH = ""; private static void createAndShowGUI() { try { final JFrame frame = new JFrame("Test MyDialog"); URL imageUrl = new URL(IMAGE_PATH); BufferedImage image =; final MyDialog dialog = new MyDialog(frame, image); JButton launchDialog = new ...

66. Dont understand modal JDialog

It's very similar to how you construct a JFrame, but with different constructors, all of which are well defined in the JDialog API. Also, it may be better for you to ask specific questions about points of misunderstanding before asking volunteers to regurgitate that which can be obtained from the tutorials and the api.

67. JForm and modal JDialog

68. Problem with JDialog modal

I am trying to implement a JDialog which pops up before and after some lengthy operation. This is pretty much like a progressbar but instead I'm using a JLabel to display a .gif file during this lengthy operation. Currently, if i set the modal to "true", the JDialog appears with the JLabel painted, but this doesn't seem to return to the ...

69. JDialog shows weird behaviour on modal JApplet

Hi, I've made a JApplet with a settings button. When you click on the button the settings dialog appears. The applet is blocked because I made the JDialog modal. The problem is: when i click on the applet, the dialog still disappears to the back. I want it to stay on top. The option setAlwaysOnTop(true) doesn't do anything , window listeners ...