Extend « Dialog « Java Swing Q&A

1.  add components inside JDialog Box in Swing without inner class which extends JDialog like the code below    stackoverflow.com

I want to add components inside JDialog Box in Swing without extending inner class which extends JDialog like the code below,SimpleAboutDialog is an inner class inside my class, based on some ...

2. extends JDialog problem    forums.oracle.com

Hi all! Can you tell me why, when I open a JDialog window, I can not click on a button that is placed on it? I can access to that button using a Tab key, and by pressing Space key, action will be executed, but when I try to click on it by mouse, it acts like button is not there ...

3. extend JDialog - stupid question    forums.oracle.com

1. When you call code from a separate class it takes more time since it has to load the new objects 2. Why not just call a new JDialog when an action occurs on your JFrame in the ActionEvent Method? This way you can populate it with objects and settings that pre-exist in your main class, as long as you declare ...