1. How can I dynamically alter the Java LAF UIDefaults? stackoverflow.comI'm working on cusomizing a Swing application by dynamically altering the UIDefaults. The end goal is to alter many of them (colors, fonts, sizes, borders, etc) and save the result on ... |
2. Java Swing: A list of all UIDefaults properties stackoverflow.comQuestion: Where can I get a list of all UIDefaults properties that exist in Swing? I know of the possibility to write a small snippet of code that just extracts and displays ... |
3. Adjusting UIdefaults stackoverflow.comI currently have:
4. Using UIDefaults to configure L&F coderanch.comHI, I'm trying to give a few Font & Color options to users of an application and I thought changing the UIDefaults contents might work. UIDefaults uid = UIManager.getDefaults(); ColorUIResource toolBg = new ColorUIResource( Color.yellow ); uid.put( "ToolTip.background" , toolBg ); ColorUIResource toolFg = new ColorUIResource( Color.black ); uid.put( "ToolTip.foreground" , toolFg ); BorderUIResource toolBord = new BorderUIResource( BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder( new LineBorder( ... |