Sound « Development « Java Swing Q&A

1. How do you use a WAV file in Eclipse?

I've been trying to add audio to a project I've been doing. I found some code on here for HTML that is also supposed to work with file but it keeps ...

2. beep sound by java

3. Frequency (sound)

4. Swing/Sounds/Urgent.

hello sir, i have a set of soundfiles,& a set of panels,to be displayed when the respective soundfiles are played. I use Mediaplayer methods such as start(),stop(). i could pass a single file to setFileName()& it plays correctly. After a sound file is finished it goes to "". How could i have a controlover this endofmediaevent so that i could have ...

5. Swing/Sound

Hello , I working with sound files. I am using JMF(Java media frame work). I pass a array of sound files. The setFileName("01.wav"); newmediaPalyer.start(); So at the enfOfMediaEvent i increment the count so that the next sound file is played & it goes on. Everthing is perfect but the last sound file in the array gets cut & a word at ...

6. Beep Sound continuously for 1 min??

Here's a another key question when doing this. Is there any way to get Java to turn the audio on in windows and turn up the volume? In my application, we want to make sure the user hears us when we trash talk him for doing something stupid. (Otherwise the user may simply hace the sound off, and not hear it.) ...

7. Sound in Swing

I just downloaded Eclipse and looked at the tutorials, then downloaded this plugin called SWT designer from Now I am off and running on designing my first visual app. But I also want to play some audio in my app. Is there a Swing component you can include that looks like a media player bar, like, with a > for ...

8. using sound

9. What's the best way to play a very short sound

I'm writing a swing application, it loads data into a JTable. I want to play a beep (a very short wav file) every time a new entry is inserted into the table. (a bit like the alert sound in windows) I know there're different ways to play sound. I don't want to use a full-feature sound library because you tend to ...

10. Problem with sounds

11. Make sound play in a java application

Please check this: Java Code: /*File This program demonstrates the capture and subsequent playback of audio data. A GUI appears on the screen containing the following buttons: Capture Stop Playback Input data from a microphone is captured and saved in a ByteArrayOutputStream object when the user clicks the Capture button. Data capture stops when the user clicks the Stop button. ...

12. Handle sound

13. Playing sounds on other computers

Hi, My system runs a Swing GUI on one (linux) computer but ports the display to another (linux) computer. The GUI is supposed to play sounds sometimes but they are not being played on the computer that has the GUI on it. Is there a way to get it to do that? Jeff

14. AWT / Swing - play a sound

Hi, Doing a Google search for "java play sound" is either getting me entire java players or sound in damn Applets (something I have not learned as yet). Does anyone have a simple program where you click a JButton and a sound plays? (For AWT/Swing - NOT Applets please) Nothing fancy, one button -> click-> play a damn sound. Thanks!