1. Launching jEdit From Java Swing App Using Runtime.getRuntime().exec() stackoverflow.comI'm writing a Java Swing Application running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 server that I would like to launch jEdit to view log files. Here is some example code.
2. Launching a URL in a Java Swing application stackoverflow.comHow do I launch a URL in the user's default browser, in code from a Java Swing application? There is this Netbeans library, but the jar dont seem to contain ... |
3. unable to launch the application coderanch.comHi ranchers. I want to use the jgoodies l&f inside my jar (my executable jar file). inside the main class I wrote : UIManager.put("ClassLoader", MainManager.class.getClassLoader( )); try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel("com.jgoodies.plaf.plastic.PlasticXPLookAndFeel"); } now, I have the following tree inside my jar : META-INF\ images\*.gif com\*.class plastic.jar // jgoodies jar forms.jar // jgoodies jar when writing : java -jar MyApp.jar it works fine and ... |
4. launching jnlp from a swing application forums.oracle.com |
5. Swing application doesn't launch forums.oracle.comHallo, I've programmed a simple swing-application that was til now functionning correctly. But today I can't launch this application. If I launch it with java -jar myprog.jar I get following information: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: sun.font.FileFontStrike.createScalerContext(J[DZIIZFF)J at sun.font.FileFontStrike.createScalerContext(Native Method) at sun.font.FileFontStrike. |