JGOODIES « Development « Java Swing Q&A

1. jgoodies how to remove component added with PanelBuilder?    stackoverflow.com

I am using com.jgoodies.forms.builder.PanelBuilder to add Buttons and rows. Then I call PanelBuilder.getPanel() and attach the panel to a JPopupMenu. Is there a way to remove and ...

2. How to bind a float or double with JGoodies    stackoverflow.com

I have done binding with ints and longs with no probelems. I just use BasicComponentFactory.createIntegerField or LongField. There is no such thing for floats or doubles. Is there a way to ...

3. JGoodies as Netbeans Library    stackoverflow.com

I added JGoodies binding jar in my project in netbeans. I'm trying to create a PropertyAdapter, but it is seen as a Ojbect by netbeans. The auto completion just ...

4. Scott: JGoodies Validation    coderanch.com

Scott, I have never worked with JGoodies Validation, however, I have worked with a home-grown Validation framework in the past. My previous experience was that it was bit cumbersome (of course that was our design issue ... Anyway, I typically work on stand-alone applications and basically if I want to create a panel which takes in user input sometimes I will ...

5. Is JGoodies Look and Feel not support Chinese language?    coderanch.com

I use JGoodies look and feel instead of metal.In english version of my application, it works fine.In Chinese version, some words appear as a small squares.Is JGoodies Look and Feel not support Chinese language? Or it's another thing? If that case, someone suggestions me another look and feel supports Chinese well? Thank you in advance.

6. JGoodies Binding Framework    coderanch.com

7. Custom converter in JGoodies Binding    coderanch.com

I've been trying to create a custom JGoodies binding converter with no luck. Currently my model contains properties that are all simple types (strings, integers, etc). Everything is setup such that when a property changes the corresponding JLabel in my GUI changes. Okay...no problem. But now I want to bind a custom object, not just a string or integer. So, for ...

8. Jgoodies form    coderanch.com

10. JGoodies and component resizing    coderanch.com

I take it you use "pref" for the columns? If you change that to "fill:pref:g", it will use the preferred size as the minimum size, but grow as needed. If you have multiple columns / rows like that they grow equally. If you don't want a minimum size you can use "fill:1dlu:g" or something similar. Keep in mind that this also ...

12. How do I install JGoodies Look and Feel??    coderanch.com

Hi, I'm not a good java programmer, and decided to give it another try. I wanted to install a new look and feel and downloaded one from jgooodies, but can't find any READMe files on how to install look and feel or even their FORMS layout.....Sorry for asking such an easy question....

13. Newbie question on JGoodies-FormLayout/DefaultFormBuilder...    coderanch.com

Hi, No the 15 dlu-column is the 1st blank-column in my form... but i found out where i was going wrong... Never thought more questions could help answer my question... but thanks... I used a default form builder to build my template panel which had the following statement in the createTemplateNamePanel() method... builder.setDefaultDialogBorder(); i ignored this cos i never thought this ...

15. jgoodies binding    coderanch.com