HTML « Development « Java Swing Q&A

1. Swing components inside HTML

Does anybody know of a pure java (ar at least cross platform) open source component/library which displays HTML which can contain swing components inside it? All I could find were either abandoned ...

2. Do .NET GUI components support HTML (like Java swing does)?

HTML can be used in Java swing GUI components, like JTextBox, JButton, ... etc. Is there an equivalent to that in .NET (C#) WinForms? or at least some simple way ...

3. Which HTML tags are supported in Swing components?

Many Swing components support embedded HTML, but I cannot find any official documentation on that subject. (Everything on Sun's pages about HTML seems to be targeted at JEditorPane) So: Which HTML tags ...

4. Swing's BasicHTML.createHTMLView metrics usage

I'm doing some graphics processing and HTML is a perfect choice for styling the displayed content. I'm trying to reuse swing's built in html support, and it works perfectly if I ...

5. Render html in Swing application

I have a swing application that sends commands to server and receives result in XML format. I need to transform this into HTML via XSLT and then display result HTML on ...

6. Where can I find a concise comparison of Java (swing, JWS) versus HTML/JS for RIA

Looking to implement a RIA (rich internet application) either as a java (JWS) application or HTML/CSS/JS. I have been looking for resources that show a clear pro's con's on the subject, ...

7. How to open html file in default browser from Java Swing application?

My Java Swing application generates html file and I want to open it with default browser when it is generated and saved. How to achieve that?

8. how to show a html webpage in a GUI in Java

I've recently worked on a project on search query,and I am only last step away from completion. Now I have a nice URL,and can open it in "cmd /c start" statement in ...

9. Using HTML in Swing Applications

Need some help here..I am trying to write a simple swing application which displays some text based on user actions. Its like help where user clicks on some url and he ...

10. Help with Java Swing HTML parsing

I am parsing a collection of HTML documents with the Java Swing HTML parsing libraries and I am trying to isolate the text between <title> tags so that I can use ...

11. How can I use a browser as gui for java?

I want something similar with php/jsp in java, but not on the server side, but on the client side. Maybe I can make a html file with i/o, or with some net.* ...

13. Avoid writing html, by coding in java

I want to avoid writing < table > < / table> and other stuff like that, by writing java (or python) classes. ex. Html html = new Html(); obj.setCoordinates(120,50); html.add(obj); Which api is ...

14. HTML Tag in Java Swing Components

Does adding HTML tags to Swing components, for example JLabels, make rendering of JFrame slow? I mean how is the performance of HTML rendering in Swing components?

15. Java: HTML in Swing, link margin not working

Hi there
I'm trying to format HTML content in Swing. Formattings such as color or text-decoration are working fine. But when it comes to margin of links it is not working ...

16. Registering a TagAction for all instances of HTML.UnknownTag

I know that I can register a TagAction for a particular HTML.UnknownTag by doing something like this:

public static final HTML.Tag MY_TAG = new HTML.UnknownTag("mytag");

17. Implementing an HTML front end to a Java application?

I am left scratching my head a little bit and would like some advice and direction, or even experience of others in implementing an HTML/CSS based GUI for a Java application ...

18. JDIC vs DJ project

On my swing application i need web browser that support html5 and css. I considering jdic or dj project. it seems like jdic is dead?

I would be glad to get some reviews.

19. Java Swing Components - why deprecated HTML markup?

I'm learning Java from a webdev background. I've been using some HTML inside Swing components, but a little part of me dies every time I see or write

<p color=red>Two<br>Lines</p>
So I ...

20. Parsing HTML TD tags with certain optional attributes using swing in java

I am new in parsing HTML using Java. What I want to do is to get the text between tags but those tags contains some optional attributes. for example, I have ...

21. including html and other files in swing project

I am using JavaHelp to develop help system for my project. I want to store html help files and other resource files in seperate folders. These files should be included in ...

22. Using html tags

Hi! Well have u tried to display the text in a JEditor pane?? I guess that supports HTML and so interprets the tags that u send as a string and displays the same.. Well look around the swing api in javax.swing.text.html.* for more methods and workrounds.. all the best Regds Gautham Kasinath

23. Appletviewer-HTML in Swing 1.1.8

There're two ways to do this: 1) Deploy the swing library (swing.jar) file on webserver, and specify archive="swing.jar" attribute in applet tag. Now, every time a user loads the page, this jar file would be downloaded before your applet. Note that swing.jar (or swingall.jar) is a huge file and it make take a while to download. 2) Other way is to ...

24. using Swing rather than HTML

25. changing HTML.Attribute

does anyone have any experience using HTML.Attribute? i'd like to change the value of one, i noticed that it is a a final variable though. is the only way to use it to removeAttribute and then addAttribute it back again? i've noticed that there are problems with writing the HTMLDOcument to file when that is done.

26. opening html page from application-urgent

Hi everybody ! Can you please anybody help me with coding for the following problem with explanation. I have application building on swing,problem is that i can able to call HTML page in the browser from my application,but i want to call other HTML pages,since they require login & password,i can only able to open login page,though i have given other ...

27. Swings+HTML

hi folks, i am making a Help for my sw. I am using Java script for it. I hv made a GUI for my sw. On this GUi i hv a Help menuitem. this menuitem whn clked shd open a browser in wch i hv my help in document form. there r many hyperlinks wthin my help document. can any one ...

28. Swings+HTML

hi folks, i am making a Help for my sw. I am using Java script for it. I hv made a GUI for my sw. On this GUi i hv a Help menuitem. this menuitem whn clked shd open a browser in wch i hv my help in document form. there r many hyperlinks wthin my help document. can any one ...

29. Swings & HTML

hi folks, i am making a Help for my sw. I am using Java script for it. I hv made a GUI for my sw. On this GUi i hv a Help menuitem. this menuitem whn clked shd open a browser in wch i hv my help in document form. there r many hyperlinks wthin my help document. can any one ...

30. send info an html page from java

34. Visual Basic to HTML

35. HTML Viewer for java

36. Dynamic HTML in Java

37. stand alone Html Search

38. problem of opening html file through IE using swing

hi, i wanted to open a document using Internet Explorer/Netscape. what i am planing is that to generate reports for printing, through crystal report application or using IE as there is inbuilt facility for printing & report generation. As per above code i could open Internet application through swing, but i cannot open specific file which i wanted to print in ...

39. Rendering HTML

Hi All, I am working on swing compionents. Now I have a button on my prom called "Open Docs", which I would like to point to locally stored HTML document. Is there any way I can get this doen. Obstacles may be, how to determine which browser is installed on the machine, as application is multi platform and so on. Also ...

40. page calculation for the html content

41. Problem in Opening HTML Page in Internet Explorer from my Swing Application

Hi, I am opening a HTML file in Internet Explorer from my swing application.I am using the code given below ........... private final static String WIN_FLAG = "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler"; private final static String WIN_PATH = "rundll32"; ............ String cmd = WIN_PATH + " " + WIN_FLAG + " " + url; // url is HTML file Path Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( cmd ...

43. problen rendering HTML in swing components under Solaris using 1.4 beta2

I need some advice, A customer of ours is using Solaris version is 2.8 with Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.0-beta2-b77). Has anyone heard of any issues with this build of 1.4? Parts of our software use JEditorPanes and other swing widgets that have HTML encoded text. But under this particular version of Java w/ Solaris, the HTML rendering ...

44. HTML in Swing

45. Reading HTML Files

I've written the following BASIC browser pane that you might find useful. It's not the cleanest code I've ever written; many apologies. But reading through should show you the basics of rendering html. Hope it helps. import*; import*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Prob05 { /************************************************************* Program to create socket with baldwin's server, send get request ...

46. Linking HTML pages in JavaHelp

47. parsing html with swing

48. HTML Parsing

49. showing a html file

51. How to make eclipse like html help ?

What kind of graphic lib are you using in your application: swt or swing? If its swing (and I guess it is indeed swing), you can only mimic the appearance of Eclipse (Eclipse is based on swt). Now there are lots of good Look-and-feels out there, which might help to mimic Eclipse style help. You can also using swt/Jface for your ...

52. java and html 2.x or 3.x

55. Retrieving HTML markup from swing componant

Hi, I am wondering if it is possible to extract the HTML markup from a swing object once it has been set and displayed on the object. For example, I can set the content type on a swing textpane to text/html and then set the text to be a html table within code with the .setText() method. The textpane then has ...

56. HTML viewer

57. HTML To RTF Conversion

58. Swing components in HTML page possible?

59. Rendering HTML

Hi Arto Not really sure what you mean. Most simple html pages have a beginning and an end, and you start from the top till you get to the bottom (end of html) and then stop. Would you see the text changing or only the pictures? Hope you're not confusing html with streaming video! You could put the html client/renderer in ...

60. Swing HTML Viewer ?

public class docHtml extends JInternalFrame implements HyperlinkListener { private final int WIDTH = 650; private final int HEIGHT = 320; private JEditorPane editorpane; URL index; Document doc; public docHtml(String PATH) { super("Chitlesh GOORAH", true, //resizable true, //closable true, //maximizable true);//iconifiable index = ChitleshGoorah.class.getResource(PATH); createContentPane(); editorpane.addHyperlinkListener(this); setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); calculateLocation(); setVisible(true); } public void hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent e) { try{ if (e.getEventType() == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED) { doc ...

61. Loading html page in swing

I want to load html page which contains javascript code like :- function fun() {'directoryname/filename.htm', 'title', 'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,copyhistory=yes ,height=500,width=700') } I am using JEditor to show html pages i.e. JEditor.setPage(url) method to show url . But it is not understanding javascript code. Is there any solution to make JEditor script enabled? second solution is to load default browser .If I load ...

62. HTML

Hi everyone, I am trying to add html tables to a html document and the html table appears but here is the problem in that only certain attributes of the table is being adhered to and the rest ignored. This is what i am doing String table = "


63. RTF to HTML conversion

64. Insert html

Hi! A question about how to insert html How do I programatically insert the following text. **********************************

some text

another text

********************************** This must be done with a button click from the user. that is a

tag is created. If the user presses the H1 button then this tag should be inserted right where the cursor is. If ...

65. Embedding swings in HTML page

66. HTML

67. How to access and AccessDB from HTML?

Hello "BobC"- On your way in you may have missed that we have a policy on screen names here at JavaRanch. Basically, it must consist of a first name, a space, and a last name, and not be obviously fictitious. Since yours does not conform with it, please take a moment to change it, which you can do right here. As ...

68. On the fly html

The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way. - ...

69. To invoke html page in my local disk

70. Extracting HTML Table

I'm trying to extract a table off a web page so that I can place the data into a database. I've been trying hopelessly to use the HTMLEditorKit by iterating and even trying to get each element but I keep running into a brick wall. When using an iterator it returns null for HTML.Tag.TD even though there is a table present. ...

71. Customizing JEditoPane to save HTML with xml extension

hi All I am working on a project where i need to save he content in JEditorPane in XML format and then redisplay it again. The content will be having basic HTML tags like

      etc. I can save this file as HTML only and simplify the task, but i want to save the file as XML. I am new to ...

72. How to add Html file.

73. HTML.Tag.IMG

74. HTML form submission

75. HTML from resource on classpath

Hi, I don't do Swing/AWT much, so for all I know this could be trivial or it could be impossible. I hope someone can enlighten me. I would like to display some rendered HTML in a Java Panel (*). The HTML will be in a file that I have built into one of the Jars on the classpath. I do not ...

76. HTML report generation

I am using JFreeChart to generate some reports in my panel. Say there are four pie charts that will be displayed in my panel. I need to export these charts to pdf and html reports. I succeeded with iText for pdf report, but HTML is still bugging. Anybody please hep.. any code snippet would be very helpful.. I need to generate ...

77. Mixing Swing & HTML

79. Why Swing is HTML enabled?

In the future, please restrict yourself to a single question mark at the end of a sentence; it's sufficient. Swing supports HTML 3.2, so that's what you can use. But you shouldn't overdo it - buttons in particular should look like buttons, lest they confuse the user. Form elements in particular will not work, since there's no web server behind it. ...

80. Is it possible to develop a html style page in Swing?

Hi guys I'm a Swing newbie (about a week now) Been given this project to work on where I need to create a HTML looking summary page, I have tried creating it using GridBagLayout for the past couple of days but I don't think it is possible. I think it's just too complicated (at least too complicated for me!) I have ...

81. how to activate html-links in a JEditor pane

it comes from Sun's API. Complete stack trace is: protocol doesn't support input at at javax.swing.JEditorPane.getStream( at javax.swing.JEditorPane.setPage( at suncertify.gui.dialogs.HelpDialog$1.hyperlinkUpdate( at javax.swing.JEditorPane.fireHyperlinkUpdate( at javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit$LinkController.activateLink( at javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit$LinkController.mouseClicked( at java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.mouseClicked( at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent( at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent( at java.awt.Component.processEvent( at java.awt.Container.processEvent( at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl( at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl( at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent( at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent( at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent( at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent( at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl( at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl( at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent( at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent( at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters( at ...

82. HTML Link

84. Swings HTML URL problem

There's a further difference between pasting a link to an internal anchor of an HTML page/file in the browser address bar and launching the browser with the link as an argument. In the first case, IE correctly scrolls the page to the internal anchor; but in the second, it doesn't. So, when launching the browser via Runtime#exec(...) the page will be ...

85. Using HTML in java

Firstly, I realize that when netbeans switches to vista basic view, certain HTML tags such as marquee (scrolling text) are disabled. What should I do? Now for the second question. How do I change the background color of a picture? I saved a file as PNG and it is used as an icon. The problem is that the white part of ...

86. rendering the html content using iText

Hi, I want to create a .rtf file using iText. While in the process,i came across a situation where i need to render the html text which came from database and i have to add that to the .rtf file. The sample html text is given below.

Tax Planning

any help would be highly appreciated. ...

87. Awt & html

88. How to embed java swing into a html

i am a java beginner. I started coding java swing in netbeans IDE. When i build file in normal java applet using awt, automatic html code is generated in the build directory. But in the case of swing applications it is not automatically generated. first of all can i embed java swing app on html? if yes, how to automatically generate ...

89. Opening a HTML file through GUI

Since I am new to the field requesting the kind quick help by java experts here to help me change the code so that I would be able to search a web apge saved on disk and search and highlight a word in that page .... Thanks in advance........ Looking forward for your kind suggestions...... 1) Did you write that code? ...

90. can we use Swing in Html page

91. swing vs html

So I am developing a swing application. A colleague said, why dont you just embed jetty and then write the front-end with html/javascript. I thought about it, and cant see any downside to his suggestion. Furthermore, with all the js libraries out there, it is pretty easy to incorporate cool effects into the gui that way. Does anyone disagree?