Font 2 « Development « Java Swing Q&A

1. smoothing fonts

I think you're referring to antialising. It's typically an all-or-none phenomena. In versions 1.4 and 1.5 you can turn it on with the system property swing.aatext: $java -Dswing.aatext=true MyProgram So from within your program you can play with System.get/setProperty to change the "default" to true:import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Antialiasing { public static void main(String[] args) { String property = ...

2. java and fonts

3. Identify Monospaced Fonts

Hello sir, friends, madam, I want to identify System fonts which are monospaced. I then have to display the names of such fonts in combo box. I got the list of all system fonts installed on machine. Now I need to check which of them are monospaced. For this I tried doing the following Font.getAttributes(). This method returns a Map contains ...

4. OPen type Font creation in java

6. Change ascent value on Font LineMetrics

Hi all! How can I set the ascent value of a font? I'd Like to have the text height equal to the font size. So, if the font size is 20, I'd like to have the text height equal 20, without any spacing at the top and bottom of the text. The code to get the ascent of font is: Font ...

7. Changing Fonts

Thanks, But I will need to be able to just pick a string, not give it a specific string, cause the JTextField or JLabel will change dynamically. I will be asking more questions later about this program, more just to get ideas mainly on the best way to implement it... but the label or text field will be a date that ...

8. Getting specific font data from file

10. Underlined Font?

11. How do I remove the Hershey family of fonts from the JVM?

We use JCaptcha to generate a challenge/response image to ensure a user is filling in forms on our site. JCaptcha leverages a random font generator. When we upgraded to JVM 1.5, we started getting undecipherable characters. We have isolated the bad fonts being used to those in the Hershey family. Is there any way to instruct the JVM to ignore this ...

13. Help on Changing font.

I can't quite make out what you're trying to do. You're retrieving data from a DB, and want to write that data to a file in a specific font size? What kind of format is that file in? Plain text files don't have a font size. And what does Swing have to do with it? Are you displaying the data as ...

14. Set Global Font in Swing Application

17. Why does Font.getFont return null when looking for system font?

I have the following code that looks for a font that I know is installed (see below). What am i doing wrong? //Calling this, returns (among other fonts): //"java.awt.Font[family=SansSerif,name=SansSerif.bold,style=plain,size=1]" Font[] fonts = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getAllFonts(); for ( int i = 0; i < fonts.length; i++ ) System.out.println( fonts[ i ].getFontName() ); //Using the above results, I tried ALL of the following but they're ...

18. Trying to fade out a font

This seems like it should be easy: But Alas, what I am left with is a WHITE "S" on a light gray frame, instantly, the timers don't seem to slow it down! How do I get the letter "S' to gradually fade to white? Tried a thread with a sleep method but that kept the frame from repainting until the end. ...

20. Font class in awt package

21. Swing and custom fonts

Hello, I installed the Chess Alpha 2 Font on my computer. When I set it as the font for a Swing component all my components hierarchy takes longer to display it self. I have a white background for like 3 seconds before everything appears. Is that normal and how to fix it? Also, considering that this Font is not system-default, if ...

22. Need to change font for all controls in an eclipse RCP application

Hi All, We are using an eclipse RCP application. In this application we didnt use any specific font for the controls (like label, button etc,). So by default all control uses font specified in the underlying OS. Currently the application runs in XP os where the default font size is 8 and application looks fine. In future we are planning to ...

23. how to get system font?

25. working with Fonts

Hello everyone. My question of the day is regarding the font size in a JTable. (I think it should be pretty easy, but I dont know it). i want to be able to change the font size. I have found multiple sites which say to change the font size, I need to call table.setFont( new Font()) In the constructor I need ...

26. Difference in font between CPP and Swing/JAVA?

I am coding a medical program that needs to print identically to Abiword. The reason is because the user lays a 96 well plate onto a piece of paper to identify positives and the gui is text based. It took an act of God to get the black squares under the 96 wells to line up the first time in AbiWord. ...

28. Swing application font issue

29. [New to java]: HoW to set font from the available list in the system

Hi Experts. I am new to java. with the help of available resource, trying to complete the project in java. In one of the module FONTSELECT, finding difficulty to select the font from the available list in the system. Please help me to resolve & simplify the code. CODE is as below public GTfontselect(Frame parent) { super(parent, "Choose Font", true); myparent ...

30. Incorrect Bengali font rendering

This means in the logical font "Dialog" are no Bengali characters. Which real font is use for the different characters are define in the of the Java VM. You have 2 options: You modify the and add a range for Bengali characters. This can e a little tricky. Or you set font for you label that can show Bengali ...

31. Change fonts for a LookAndFeel set

32. Creating a custom font for use in Java?

For awhile i've been researching how to create fonts, i've come across mostly tutorials on creating TrueType fonts which to my understanding are simply black and white basic styled letters, no bevel, no drop shadow, no possible style except bold, italic and various other simple styles. What if I wanted to create a font like this? I created this in Photoshop ...

33. GUI, change font

frame = new JFrame(); frame.setTitle("Student Details"); frame.setSize(400,300); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(frame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); panel = new JPanel(); panel.setLayout(null); lblName = new JLabel("Student Name"); lblName.setBounds(10, 50, 100, 20); panel.add(lblName); txtName = new JTextField("Fred Bloggs"); txtName.setBounds(110, 50, 150, 20); panel.add(txtName); lblAddress = new JLabel("Address"); lblAddress.setBounds(10, 70, 100, 20); panel.add(lblAddress); txtAddress= new JTextField("Ashley Road"); txtAddress.setBounds(110, 70, 150, 20); panel.add(txtAddress); lblPhone = new JLabel("Phone Number"); lblPhone.setBounds(10, 90, 100, 20); panel.add(lblPhone); ...

34. How do i do a GUI font program

35. Adding a unique font to Swing?

Hey, I have this unique font and I was wondering how you can add it to the program and have it work on any computer. like label.setFont(new Font("My unique font", 24)); and have the font's .tff file in the folder with it. Is this possible? Sorry if I'm bad at describing :P

36. how to write code for font family using swing?

public fontSelect(Frame parent, boolean modal) { super(parent, modal); String fntName[] = getToolkit().getFontList(); GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); String[] names = ge.getAvailableFontFamilyNames(); //{{INIT_CONTROLS setLayout(null); setVisible(false); //setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setSize(insets().left + insets().right + 380,insets().top + insets().bottom + 282); setBackground(java.awt.Color.lightGray); fontList = new java.awt.Choice(); //fontList = new java.awt.List(0,false); add(fontList); fontList.setBounds(insets().left +25,insets().top + 50,137,144); //label1 = new java.awt.Label("Example:-"); //label1.setBounds(insets().left + 220,insets().top + 36,84,30); //add(label1); exampleText = new java.awt.TextField(); ...