Directory « Development « Java Swing Q&A

1. No /dist directory being created after building Swing GUI project

Hello. I have simply playing around with Swing, (as I don't use Java GUI too often). In the Netbeans support, it says to produce the .jar, you are to "Clean & ...

2. directory view

3. creating directory

dear friend i have used the method setFileSelectionMode(DIRECTORIES_ONLY) to display the directories only. i have tried using the save dialog and the custom dialog such that what ever name user types in the textfield labeled "file name" in the JFileChooser Dialog box and clicks on the save button the code included in the APPROVE_OPTION should be executed but the program is ...

6. Directory nodes

I am implementing an explorer type file manager in swing. There are two panels. The left one is a JTree that maintains a list of the folders and the right panel will display the contents of the directory folders. I have implemented the TreeModel interface using a Subclass of File for the nodes. It works fine except that a directory that ...

7. Recommanded directory structure?

Hi, I have worked on some web project and "try" to follow the recommended directory structuring for creating apps. I am now looking forward to do some desktop (swing) apps and was wondering if the directory structure is similar? here is an artical "Java Blueprints Guidelines" but it's seems to be for web project. I figure it's probably the same, ...

8. get directory problem

9. is there Directory Chooser in swings?

Hi, I want to select the path or location where to the file has to save. I tried using JFileChooser, but it is not comming. It allows only to select a file, but i don't want to select a file. I have already file, i want to aloow user to select the location where to save the file, by some promt ...

10. Changing the working directory

11. Accessing Active-Directory through a Java Swing Desktop Appl

I have a desktop application in which, I have an options window. In the window, I use a button to access the active directory(address-book) - when I click the button, the active directory window(the way the address book opens in microsoft-outlook) should open. I wish to know where can I find information to implement this requirement. It would be even better ...