Data « Development « Java Swing Q&A

1. how can I delete data from my GUI table?

I have this frame and I want to delete its table data and then enter some data. But I have this exception why? Please help me. my BirthList frame:

public class BirthList extends ...

2. DynamicTree editing root node Java swing

I'm using the class "DynamicTree" provided by sun:here is the link I wanted to know if it's possible to edit the code in some way to make the tree root ...

3. How to read data only once in Java Swing?

I am new to Swing. I want to write a program which reads a file and draws something depending on the data read from the file. I checked the tutorials and they ...

4. Java/Swing: Update data on stateChange

I have a list of Map.Entry<String,Integer>s that I am looping through, and for each one, making a JLabel/JSpinner representing that particular entry. How can I make it so that when the ChangeListener ...

5. How to visually simulate a Queue(data structure) with java?

I need to simulate Queue's with java. I just want to know if there is any easier way to do it than drawing whole animation with draw() function. Edit : It is ...

6. Java Sprite should be merged with Data Structure

I'm building my own Canvas-style JPanel subclass which will draw a graph of nodes and arcs. As part of this application I am delegating the drawing of the nodes to a ...

7. Java Swing Question

I'm a new Java programmer, and I've been trying to setup a simple Swing program that allows a user to input two integers into JTextFields and when an "add" JButton is ...

8. Why is Weka GUI output different from Java code?

Why is that the result from running the filter StringToWordVector in Weka GUI is different from the equivalent java code? I use the same attributes as I used in the gui ...

9. wrong data in fields

This is fragment of class in my program (I deleted some not important code). At First, program always calls method firstSet() which sets all JLabels(players) on JPanel(board). Then when I click ...

10. problem organizing data

I have a table as given below

RMG Date        Value
YA  11/02/2001  94
YB  11/02/2011  63
YC  11/02/2011  35
YA  12/02/2011  ...

11. WindowBuilder for Swing made member data and it seemed unnecessary

WindowBuilder for Swing creates checkboxes as local variables and textboxes as member data. This inconsistency bothered me. Since it all gets linked up into the toplevel JFrame ...

12. Parsing data back to mainPanel (java/swing)

Set up: I have a mainPanel with a tabbedPane on it, i have a separate JPanel 'extra', extra creates an objects and i wish to pass that object back through to the ...

13. How to use the same data between two GUI's in Java?

Hey guys I am currently working on a homework assignment. I have two GUI's that I would like to access the same data which will be handled by my other ...

14. How to pass data between two GUI's in Java?

Possible Duplicate:
How to use the same data between two GUI's in Java?
Account Accnt = new Account();
GUI1 gui1 = new GUI1();
GUI2 gui2 = new GUI2();
I ...

15. How to read data from serial port and show in GUI ?

I read data from serial port with this code but it can show data in command line only .I want to show data from serial port in text field. If you ...

16. Deleting all the data from table

18. Data in table dosen't change after calling fireTableDataChanged ???

Hi... i m crating a sample table in which i m having a single cell and single column here is my code.. import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; public class Test14 extends JFrame { Vector rows=new Vector(); Vector cols=new Vector(); JTable table; DefaultTableModel model; public Test14() { super("JTable"); cols.add("Counter"); model=new DefaultTableModel(rows,cols); table=new JTable(model); new Row1(model); ...

19. Resetting Table data ... problem

20. Newbie question about transferring data between classes

Hi Mike, welcome to JavaRanch. You should write a bit more about your problem. Is your GUI in a modal Dialog or ist it inside of an JInternalFrame or is it simply a JavaBean, which can be integrated anywere? In fact, there are several ways to inform listening classes. The simplest way is to create a method in your GUI getSelectedNumber() ...

21. Data comparision

22. Data getting

23. How do I access my field data?

Hi, This is almost a JDBC problem but think it is more to do with my GUI as I have tested my database connection and everything is working fine. Anyway I am trying to insert data from my form into the database but don't know how to fetch the data from the form into the query. Can anyone help? the class ...

24. Automatic data referesh in tables

25. Erasing and Refilling the data

I have a frame. Two panels are attached to that frame. First panel consists of a question and answer fields. The second panel consists of a button. After answering the first question when the button is pressed the whole frame is getting disposing but I didn't want the whole frame to be disposed. Only the fist panel should be disposed and ...

26. Tabular form data

27. Add data into table externally

28. Connection to Data

Hi all, I am new to java. Now I am Develop a tool for the Company. I Creatted three pages Using Swing ie GUI pages, now i want to connect two databases to one page ie it has to show that two pages in a single page and if i click compare means it has to compare(Map) that pages & show ...

29. Pasting Data Base results

30. data types not matching......

31. Extract data from a form

32. RCP: Passing data to workbench/ Saving workbench data

Passing data to new workbench ------------------------------ I'm developing an RCP application using different workbench windows using new OpenInNewWindowAction(workbenchWindow).run(); With this call, I get a new workbench window with default content (set in my WorkbenchWindowAdvisor.preWindowOpen()) But i want to customize the content of this new workbench!!! How can I send any data to the new workbench??? Is there a construct in the ...

33. Java Forms and Data Storage

34. send data to swing from javascript

HI, First of all i calling javascript function callJS() from swing Here is my swing code Object[] s={"FLOOR1"}; URL url=null; try { url = new URL(this.getCodeBase(),"/index.jsp"); JSObject window = JSObject.getWindow(this);"callJS",s); } catch(Exception e) { JOptionPane.showInputDialog(e); } public void create(String s) { JOptionPane.showInputDialog(s); } Here is my index.jsp <%@page contentType="text/html"%> <%@page pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>