Binding « Development « Java Swing Q&A

1. Java/Swing: the fast/slow UI binding problem

I need a way to bind UI indicators to rapidly-changing values. I have a class NumberCruncher which does a bunch of heavy processing in a critical non-UI thread, thousands of iterations of ...

2. Java Swing - How to bind a JComponent in Netbeans?

I am using Netbeans Swing GUI builder to design my app's GUI. I have a JTextField tf and a JCheckBox cb. Now, I want that the tf is enabled only when the ...

3. JAVA binding an XML to update a GUI and vice versa

I'm using JAXB to model a schema and wrap XML data in java classes. I created a GUI which represents the same schema as well. I want to bind the 2 ...

4. Windowbuilder Pro - selectedElement binding not working

Following a tutorial trying to learn Windowbuilder Pro and running into some problems. I have a list of an object, and want to create a binding function so that that when I've ...

5. Which Java workflow framework can I use to bind it with a gui


I have to create an authoring workflow (checkin, checkout, validation...). For some states transitions the user has to fill a report. When the user changes the state of an object O from ...

6. What are Bindings in Java

I hear the term binding thrown around in reference to GUI's. What does this mean? Why are they useful? EDIT: Take for example the Netbeans GUI editor. It has a whole tab ...

7. Java Swing 2 way binding

Is there support for Java Swing to use 2 way binding like WPF? If not, what might be the best way to achieve it?

8. Update bindings in Swixml2

I've got a dialog defined in SwiXml xml that binds with a property on the corresponding bean for the dialog.

<label text="Project Files Location"/>
<textfield id="tfProjectLocation" bindWith="projectLocation"/>
<button label="Browse" action="actionBrowse"/>
When I update ...

9. How to bind a component to more beansbinding classes

Any one know how to bind one swing JComponent to two BeansBinding classes(Specially with Netbeans IDE)? Also how to bind a variable in JFrame to a beanbinding class's property?

10. Multiple bean bindings in Matisse GUI Builder (Form builder)

I have several checkboxes that I need to bind to two different toggle buttons such that when the one or the other toggle button is selected all the checkboxes become selected ...

11. Adding a bean that can be used in binding components within Matisse GUI Builder

The article "Binding Beans & Data in a Desktop Application - NetBeans IDE Tutorial" ( ) is a good one, but it covers binding GUI components in Matisse to Databases. ...

12. Is using beans binding on swing components a mistake?

LikeJava Joined: 23 May 2010 Posts: 22 Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 2:57 am Post subject: Is using beans binding on swing components a mistake? Hello, for many ...

13. Need guidance in GUI Binding

I want to give an option to the user, where he can add custom key/value pair which should be showed in the window he is adding i.e a JDialog which should have 2 text fields, 1: Key, 2: Value and a button "Add". Below these controls, there should be table (2 columsn) showing key/value pair. The table values would be loaded ...

14. JavaDesktop Application GUI Bind Question

15. JavaDesktop Application GUI Bind Question

Pretty new to this, so looking for some help. I have built a desktop application for a GUI to view, update and hopefully search the database I built. I am having trouble making the bind from the search text box in the GUI form. I applied master table as the binding source rowstorer as expression and need the rowtostringconverter, but the ...

16. Swing Builder: Question regarding binding

Hi, I am new to Netbeans swing builder, rather Java Swing. I am trying to build an application which has core and ui. core is highend network programming. For that reason i chose java to work on core because of libraries. Howeer, I am having lots of issues working iwth Java Swing using Matisse .. Here are few questions I have ...

17. creating and binding components at runtime in Swing

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.Random; import javax.swing.*; public class DynamicComponents implements ActionListener { Random seed = new Random(); JPanel dynamicPanel; public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { dynamicPanel.removeAll(); int rows = 3 + seed.nextInt(14); // [3 - 16] populate(rows); } private void populate(int rows) { GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc.insets = new Insets(5,2,5,2); gbc.weighty = 1.0; for(int j = 0; j ...

18. Bean Binding(jsr-295)

Hi all, I am new to Bean Binding.Actually i have tried both JSR 295 and JGoodies bean binding. In JGoodies theres a provision for buffering the values from the UI model using BufferedValueModel and the using Trigger to submit all the buffered data. I wanted to know is there any options like that in JSR 295 where we can buffer the ...

19. Using JSR-295 beansbinding, where do you bind to?

Your Bank object doesn't need to be "swing aware" but if you want to bind it it needs to be a true JavaBean which means property change support must be added to that class. It will have no effect on that class at all. But it does allow the object to fire change events when its properties change and allows the ...

21. Netbeans binding problem

Hello, I have a question about binding textfields to a source. I want to make a user interface with a combo box where the user can select a company from the list and the data about that company will be shown in different JTextFields, the data in the JTextField is not editable, the screen is thus only to view the data. ...

22. Beans binding with local variable

The local variable does not exist outside the scope of that single method call. When you select a record in the table that variable only exists if from the event handler you call the method. If this is the case then simply pass the selected record as a parameter to the method.

23. binding swing components

I am developing an application & facing some problems. In my main frame i added a toolbar & added four navigational buttons on toolbar I have two internal frames and both internal frames contain jtable. when both internal frames are open all the navigational buttons of toolbar bind/attach to the jtable of internal frame which is active at that time. please ...

24. Swing Binding

Hello, I have a question about swingbinding in Java. When I have a entity in Java and this entitys fields are bind to the fields on the GUI, how can I reset the entitys fields so that the GUI fields are also reset to the initial values? At this moment when I save my entity to the database and want to ...