Visible « Component « Java Swing Q&A

1. Why does Java GUI component shift when another is not visible?

Here is the issue I am having. I have a JToolBar that contains 3 JPanel's and each panel contains some various components. The panel that contains my JProgressBar is only visible ...

2. Making GUI component visible

I am new to Java GUI building, and I am using NetBeans 6.9.1 GUI builder.... I created a scroll pane with a text area. Initially I want it to be hidden, so I added this code to the "Post-Init Code" property of the scroll pane component: errorScrollPane.setVisible(false); This works fine. When my window is first shown, the scroll pane is hidden. ...

3. Components not visible

4. add component to a visible component

I had a Main Frame(NewFrame withBorder layout),on Line Start contains a LeftPanel (testlp) (flow layout)contains a method dynamicadd(),this method add add a JPanel of size 150 X 180 to LeftPanel (testLp), on LineEnd contains a RightPanel(rp) ,rp contains a button when it is clicked it should call the dynamicadd() method of testlp , The Problem is added jpanel of size 150 ...